Personalized Game Design for Improved User Retention and Monetization in Freemium Games
One of the most crucial aspects and significant levers that gaming companies possess in designing digital games is setting the level of difficulty, which essentially regulates the user’s ability to progress within the game. This aspect is particularly significant in free-to-play (F2P) games, where the paid version often aims to enhance the player’s experience and to facilitate faster progression.
Using natural language processing to analyse text data in behavioural science
Language is a uniquely human trait at the core of human interactions. The language people use often reflects their personality, intentions and state of mind. With the integration of the Internet and social media into everyday life, much of human communication is documented as written text. These online forms of communication (for example, blogs, reviews, social media posts and emails) provide a window into human behaviour and therefore present abundant research opportunities for behavioural science.
Using Natural Language Processing to Analyze Text Data in Behavioral Science
Language is a uniquely human trait at the core of human interactions. The language people use often reflects their personality, intentions and state of mind. With the integration of the Internet and social media into everyday life, much of human communication is documented as written text. These online forms of communication (for example, blogs, reviews, social media posts and emails) provide a window into human behaviour and therefore present abundant research opportunities for behavioural science.
Demographic pricing in the digital age: Assessing fairness perceptions in algorithmic versus human-based price discrimination
Advancements in data analytics and increased access to consumer data have revolutionized companies’ price discrimination capabilities. These technological advancements have not only changed how prices are determined but also who determines them, with companies increasingly relying on algorithms rather than humans to set prices. We examine consumers’ fairness perceptions of demographic price discrimination—a prevalent yet controversial practice that can trigger considerable consumer backlash—and find that it depends on who is responsible for setting prices.
EXPRESS: Who Shares Fake News? Uncovering Insights from Social Media Users' Post Histories
We propose that social-media users’ own post histories are an underused yet valuable resource for studying fake-news sharing. By extracting textual cues from their prior posts, and contrasting their prevalence against random social-media users and others (e.g., those with similar socio-demographics, political news-sharers, and fact-check sharers), researchers can identify cues that distinguish fake-news sharers, predict those most likely to share fake news, and identify promising constructs to build interventions. Our research includes studies along these lines.
The Customer Journey as a Source of Information
Serving with a Smile on Airbnb: Analyzing the Economic Returns and Behavioral Underpinnings of the Host’s Smile
Non-informational cues, such as facial expressions, can significantly influence judgments and interpersonal impressions. While past research has explored how smiling affects business outcomes in offline or in-store contexts, relatively less is known about how smiling influences consumer choice in e-commerce settings even when there is no face-to-face interaction.
Unveiling the mind of the machine
Previous research has shown that consumers respond differently to decisions made by humans versus algorithms. Many tasks, however, are not performed by humans anymore but entirely by algorithms. In fact, consumers increasingly encounter algorithm-controlled products, such as robotic vacuum cleaners or smart refrigerators, which are steered by different types of algorithms. Building on insights from computer science and consumer research on algorithm perception, this research investigates how consumers respond to different types of algorithms within these products.
Widespread misestimates of greenhouse gas emissions suggest low carbon competence
As concern with climate change increases, people seek to behave and consume sustainably. This requires understanding which behaviours, firms and industries have the greatest impact on emissions. Here we ask if people are knowledgeable enough to make choices that align with growing sustainability intentions.
The Topography of Thought
The Language of (Non)replicable Social Science
Using publicly available data from 299 pre-registered replications from the social sciences, we find that the language used to describe a study can predict its replicability above and beyond a large set of controls related to the paper characteristics, study design and results, author information, and replication effort. To understand why, we analyze the textual differences between replicable and nonreplicable studies.
Detecting Routines: Applications to Ridesharing CRM
Routines shape many aspects of day-to-day consumption. While prior work has established the importance of habits in consumer behavior, little work has been done to understand the implications of routines — which we define as repeated behaviors with recurring, temporal structures — for customer management. One reason for this dearth is the difficulty of measuring routines from transaction data, particularly when routines vary substantially across customers. We propose a new approach for doing so, which we apply in the context of ridesharing.
Exposing Omitted Moderators: Why Effects Size Differ in the Social Sciences.
Policymakers increasingly rely on behavioral science in response to global challenges, such as climate change or global health crises. But applications of behavioral science face an important problem: Interventions often exert substantially different effects across contexts and individuals. We examine this heterogeneity for different paradigms that underlie many behavioral interventions. We study the paradigms in a series of five preregistered studies across one in-person and 10 online panels, with over 11,000 respondents in total.
Using large language models to generate silicon samples in consumer and marketing research: Challenges, opportunities, and guidelines.
Should consumer researchers employ silicon samples and artificially generated data based on large language models, such as GPT, to mimic human respondents' behavior? In this paper, we review recent research that has compared result patterns from silicon and human samples, finding that results vary considerably across different domains. Based on these results, we present specific recommendations for silicon sample use in consumer and marketing research.
Automating the B2B Salesperson Pricing Decisions: A Human-Machine Hybrid Approach
Choice Architecture for Healthier Insurance Decisions: Ordering and Partitioning Together Can Improve Consumer Choice
Making good health insurance decisions is important for health outcomes and longevity, but consumers’ errors are well documented. The authors examine whether targeted choice architecture interventions can reduce these mistakes. The article examines the interaction of two choice architecture tools on improved consumer insurance decisions in online health care exchanges: (1) ordering the options from best to worst based on a high-quality user model and (2) partitioning the total set of options.
A megastudy on the predictability of personal information from facial images: Disentangling demographic and non-demographic signals
While prior research has shown that facial images signal personal information, publications in this field tend to assess the predictability of a single variable or a small set of variables at a time, which is problematic. Reported prediction quality is hard to compare and generalize across studies due to different study conditions.
Meaning of Manual Labor Impedes Consumer Adoption of Autonomous Products
Dark defaults: How choice architecture steers political campaign donations
In the months before the 2020 U.S. election, several political campaign websites added prechecked boxes (defaults), automatically making all donations into recurring weekly contributions unless donors unchecked them. Since these changes occurred at different times for different campaigns, we use a staggered difference-in-differences design to measure the causal effects of defaults on donors’ behavior. We estimate that defaults increased campaign donations by over $43 million while increasing requested refunds by almost $3 million.
Distance and Alternative Signals of Status: A Unifying Framework
In the past decades, as traditional luxury goods and conspicuous consumption have become more mainstream and lost some of their signaling value, new alternative signals of status (e.g., vintage, inconspicuous consumption, sustainable luxury) have progressively emerged. This research applies the grounded theory method to establish a novel framework that systematically unifies existing conceptualizations, findings, and observations on alternative signals of status.
Nudging App Adoption: Choice Architecture Facilitates Consumer Uptake of Mobile Apps.
How can firms encourage consumers to adopt smartphone apps? The authors show that several inexpensive choice architecture techniques can make users more likely to enable important app features and complete app onboarding. In six preregistered experiments (n = 5,968) and a field experiment (n = 594,997), choice architecture interventions manipulating choice sequence, color, and wording of app adoption decisions dramatically increased app adoption. Across experiments, integrating multiple feature decisions into a single choice increased adoption.
Participating in a climate prediction market increases concern about global warming
Modifying attitudes and behaviours related to climate change is difficult. Attempts to offer information, appeal to values and norms or enact policies have shown limited success. Here we examine whether participation in a climate prediction market can shift attitudes by having the market act as a non-partisan adjudicator and by prompting participants to put their ‘money where their mouth is’.
A Quantitative Study of Non-Linearity in Storytelling
Innovation and New Products Research: A State-of-the-Art Review
Sensory substitution can improve decision-making
Frontiers: Polarized America: From Political Polarization to Preference Polarization
In light of the widely discussed political divide and increasing societal polarization, we investigate in this paper whether the polarization of political ideology extends to consumers’ preferences, intentions, and purchases. Using three different data sets—the publicly available social media data of over three million brand followerships of Twitter users, a YouGov brand-preference survey data set, and Nielsen scanner panel data—we assess the evolution of brand-preference polarization.
New Products Research
Proximity Bias: Motivated Effects of Spatial Distance on Probability Judgments
How Advertising Expenditures Affect Consumers’ Perceptions of Quality: A Psychology-Based Assessment of Brand, Category, and Country-Level Moderators
The More You Ask, the Less You Get: When Additional Questions Hurt External Validity
Researchers and practitioners in marketing, economics, and public policy often use preference elicitation tasks to forecast realworld behaviors. These tasks typically ask a series of similarly structured questions.
Ad Expenditures and Perceived Quality: A Replication and Extension
Defaults are not a panacea: distinguishing between default effects on choices and on outcomes.
Recently, defaults have become celebrated as a low-cost and easy-to-implement nudge for promoting positive outcomes, both at an individual and societal level. In the present research, we conducted a large-scale field experiment (N = 32,508) in an educational context to test the effectiveness of a default intervention in promoting participation in a potentially beneficial achievement test. We found that a default manipulation increased the rate at which high school students registered to take the test but failed to produce a significant change in students’ actual rate of test-taking.
Spending Windfall (“Found”) Time on Hedonic versus Utilitarian Activities
Benefits and Limitations of Multi-Item Scales
Commentaries on ‘Scale Use and Abuse: Toward Best Practices in the Deployment of Scales
Toward a Pedagogy for Consumer Anthropology: Method, Theory, Marketing
This paper focuses on teaching the application of anthropology in business to marketing students. It begins with the premise that consumer marketers have long used ethnography as a component of their qualitative market research toolkit to inform their knowledge about and empathy for consumers. A question for market research educators who include ethnography in their curricula is if and how to teach the richness of anthropologically based approaches, especially given a decoupling of ethnographic method from anthropological theory in much consumer research practice.
Brand Actions and Financial Consequences: a Review of Key Findings and Directions for Future Research
Using Social Network Activity Data to Identify and Target Job Seekers
An important challenge for many firms is to identify the life transitions of its customers, such as job searching, expecting a child, or purchasing a home. Inferring such transitions, which are generally unobserved to the firm, can offer the firms opportunities to be more relevant to their customers. In this paper, we demonstrate how a social network platform can leverage its longitudinal user data to identify which of its users are likely to be job seekers. Identifying job seekers is at the heart of the business model of professional social network platforms.
Framing to reduce present bias in infrastructure design intentions.
Infrastructure professionals (N = 261) were randomly assigned to either a future or present-framed project description and asked to recommend design attributes for an infrastructure project. The future-framed condition led professionals to propose a significantly longer infrastructure design life, useful life to the community, and acceptable return on financial investment. The findings suggest a straightforward and inexpensive way to lessen present bias in various design contexts
Reflections of an Accidental Academic: a 50-Year Journey
Pictures Matter: How Images of Projected Sea-Level Rise Shape Long-Term Sustainable Design Decisions for Infrastructure Systems.
Community input matters in long-term decisions related to climate change, including the development of public infrastructure. In order to assess the effect of different ways of informing the public about infrastructure projects, a sample of people in the United States (n = 630) was provided with a case study concerning the redevelopment of the San Diego Airport. Participants received the same written information about the projected future condition of the airport.
Consumer Minimalism
Minimalism in consumption can be expressed in various forms, such as monochromatic home design, wardrobe capsules, tiny home living, and decluttering. This research offers a unified understanding of the variegated displays of minimalism by establishing a conceptual definition of consumer minimalism and developing the twelve-item Minimalist Consumer Scale to measure the construct.
Mining Consumer Minds: Downstream Consequences of Host Motivations for Home Sharing Platforms
This research sheds light on consumer motivations for participating in the sharing economy and examines downstream consequences of the uncovered motivations.
Privacy and Consumer Empowerment in Online Advertising
With heightened concerns regarding user privacy, there is a recent movement for empowering consumers with the ability to control how their private data are collected, stored, used and shared. Notably, between 2018 and 2020, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been implemented in the European Union (EU), and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) have been implemented/passed in the state of California in the United States. These regulations address both consumer data security and consumer privacy rights.
Advance Care Plans: Planning for Critical Healthcare Decisions
Embarrassed by Calories: Joint Effect of Calorie Posting and Social Context
This research investigates the joint effect of calorie posting and social context on consumers’ food choices and embarrassment. We hypothesize and demonstrate that posting calorie information on a menu becomes more effective in reducing the total calorie of meal orders when the food is ordered in public (vs. in private).
How you look is who you are: The Appearance Reveals Character Lay Theory Increases Support for Facial Profiling
Pricing Fairness in a Pandemic: Navigating Unintended Changes to Value or Cost
The recent pandemic has caused many businesses to alter their offerings, at times providing inferior value to their customers or incurring higher costs. Many classes moved online, leading to a lower-value offering without significant cost reductions, and many firms adopted costly hygiene measures, such as stringent cleaning or reducing capacity to maintain social distancing.
Social Marginalization Motivates Indiscriminate Sharing of COVID-19 News on Social Media
We find that people who experience social marginalization are more likely to share COVID-19 news indiscriminately, that is, sharing news that is factually untrue and true, as well as news that seems surprising and unsurprising. This effect, driven by their general motivation to seek meaning, holds when people self-identify as being socially marginalized (i.e., experiencing frequent feelings of discrimination) and when they are situationally induced to feel marginalized. We demonstrate that an intervention to help people obtain a temporary sense of meaning by having high (vs.