Congratulations to Professors Urooj Khan and Shiva Rajgopal for receiving the 2018 Notable Contribution to Accounting Literature Award for their study titled, “Do the FASB’s standards add shareholder value?” This study is co-authored with professors Bin Li (University of Texas at Dallas) and Mohan Venkatachalam (Duke University). This is Professor Rajgopal’s third Notable Contribution Award (2006, 2016, and 2018) while it is the first for Professor Khan.
The Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award is given annually to work published within five years of the year of the award which has withstood a rigorous process of screening and scrutiny based on certain criteria, such as uniqueness and potential magnitude of contribution to accounting education, practice and/or future accounting research, breadth of potential interest, originality and innovative content, clarity and organization of exposition and soundness and appropriateness of methodology. In their study, Professors Khan and Rajgopal demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of accounting standards issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board since its inception.