Authors Laurie Simon Hodrick Format Chapter Publication Date August 1, 1990 Book Taxes, Debt, and Corporate Restructuring Full Citation Hodrick, Laurie Simon. “Comments on "Converting Corporations to Partnerships through Leverage" by Myron S. Scholes and Mark A. Wolfson.” In Taxes, Debt, and Corporate Restructuring, edited by John Shoven and Joel Waldfogel, 196-200. The Brookings Institution, 1990.
Full Citation Hodrick, Laurie Simon. “Comments on "Converting Corporations to Partnerships through Leverage" by Myron S. Scholes and Mark A. Wolfson.” In Taxes, Debt, and Corporate Restructuring, edited by John Shoven and Joel Waldfogel, 196-200. The Brookings Institution, 1990.