Recent papers have shown that Π∞k = 1 P(k) = limm→∞ (P(m) ... P(1)) exists whenever the sequence of stochastic matrices {P(k)}∞k = 1 exhibits convergence to an aperiodic matrix P with a single subchain (closed, irreducible set of states). We show how the limit matrix depends upon P(1).
In addition, we prove that limm→∞ limn→∞ (P(n + m) ... P(m + 1)) exists and equals the invariant probability matrix associated with P. The convergence rate is determined by the rate of convergence of {P(k)}∞k = 1 towards P.
Examples are given which show how these results break down in case the limiting matrix P has multiple subchains, with {P(k)}∞k = 1 approaching the latter at a less than geometric rate.
Full Citation
Stochastic Processes and their Applications
(May 01, 1981):