Congratulations to Professor Thomas Bourveau for receiving the Best Paper Award from the 2018 Asian Finance Association Annual Meeting for his study titled "Naughty Firms, Noisy Disclosure: The Effect of Cartel Enforcement on Corporate Disclosure". This study is co-authored with Professor Alminas Zaldokas and Guoman She from HKUST. In this paper, the authors find that public disclosure can be used as focal points to sustain collusive agreements.
About the Researcher(s)
Thomas Bourveau joined Columbia University in 2018. He previously served on the faculty at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He obtained in PhD in Management Science from HEC Paris. He teaches financial statement analysis in Columbia Business School's MBA program. Professor Bourveau primarily conducts empirical research. His research lies at the intersection of accounting, law, and economics. He is most interested in evaluating the implications of regulatory interventions in financial markets, often through the role of information disclosure.