Columbia Business School Dean and former DRO Division Chair Costis Maglaras was elected an INFORMS Fellow in recognition of lifetime accomplishments and contributions in operations research and analytics. Professor Linda Green was elected an MSOM Distinguished Fellow.
The honor recognizes outstanding outstanding research and scholarship in the field of operations management. Professors Assaf Zeevi and Omar Besbes won this year's Lanchester Prize, along with former DRO PhD student Yoni Gur (now faculty at Stanford Business School) and Bora Keskin (Duke University). The annual prize, which had not been given in the past three years, honors the best contribution to the field of operations research and the management sciences published in English.
This year's winners were recognized for three papers: "Non-Stationary Stochastic Optimization" (Operations Research 2015), "Chasing Demand: Learning and Earning in a Changing Environment" (Mathematics of Operations Research 2016), and "Optimal Exploration-Exploitation in a Multi-Armed Bandit Problem with Non-Stationary Rewards" (forthcoming in Stochastic Systems).
Professor Carri Chan received the MSOM Young Scholar Prize, recognizing exceptional young researchers under 40 who have made outstanding contribution to scholarship in operations management. Professors Carri Chan and Jing Dong's PhD student Yue Hu was a finalist in the IBM Best Student Paper Competition for her paper "Optimal Scheduling of Proactive Care with Patient Deterioration," which is co-authored with Professors Chan and Dong. Professor Santiago Balseiro's PhD student Chen Chen (Duke University) won 1st Place in the INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Student Paper Competition for his paper "Dynamic Pricing of Relocating Resources in Large Networks," which is co-authored with Professor Balseiro and Professor David Brown (Duke University).