Previous research has shown that outcome favorability and procedural fairness often interact to influence employees' work attitudes and behaviors. Moreover, the form of the interaction effect depends upon the dependent variable. Relative to when procedural fairness is low, high procedural fairness: (a) reduces the effect of outcome favorability on employees' appraisals of the system (e.g., organizational commitment), and (b) heightens the effect of outcome favorability on employees' evaluations of themselves (e.g., self-esteem). The present research provided external validity to the latter form of the interaction effect (Studies 1 and 4). We also found that the latter form of the interaction effect was based on people's use of procedural fairness information to make self-attributions for their outcomes (Studies 2 and 3). Moreover, both forms of the interaction effect were obtained in Study 4, suggesting that they are not mutually exclusive. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
Full Citation
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
(May 01, 2003):