Authors Maya Vadiveloo, Vicki Morwitz , and Pierre Chandon Format Journal Article Publication Date January 1, 2012 Journal Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Full Citation Vadiveloo, Maya, Vicki Morwitz , and Pierre Chandon. “Mere Belief Effects: The Effect of Health Labels on Food Consumption and Self-Reported Satiety.” Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics vol. 112, no. 9 (January 01, 2012): A86.
Full Citation Vadiveloo, Maya, Vicki Morwitz , and Pierre Chandon. “Mere Belief Effects: The Effect of Health Labels on Food Consumption and Self-Reported Satiety.” Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics vol. 112, no. 9 (January 01, 2012): A86.