“Seizing Tomorrow's Global Market Opportunities,” a panel held on March 22, 2016, brought together several of the authors of a new Center for Global Enterprise (CGE) book, Growing Global: Lessons for the New Enterprise. Co-organized by the Richman Center and CGE and moderated by Tom Friedman (author, The World is Flat), the discussion focused on the expanse of opportunities for global business in a rapidly changing world. The panelists discussed how business leaders can navigate technological advancement, and how change affects branding, speed, scale, technology, and Leadership & Strategy—components that define business in a globally connected era, but also exist in a more competitive and connected environment than ever before.
In exploring challenges and opportunities in the global market, the panel discussed the processes behind creating and maintaining strong brands, as well as working with differing relationships between government and business around the world. The discussion also explored the role of technology in changing global markets, consumer behavior, and business models, stressing that as change is unavoidable, leaders must ensure that their businesses are ready or willing to participate in this process.
The Richman Center thanks CGE for its collaboration on this lecture. CGE aims to bridge gaps for new business leaders to prepare them for a globally connected world. One of its main initiatives toward this end is the Global Scholars Program, which aims to lower the barriers to obtaining a high-quality business education.