Selected Publications from Current and Former Lab Members
- Johnson, E. J., Sugerman, E. Morwitz, V., Johar, G., & Morris, M. (2024). Widespread misestimates of greenhouse gas emissions suggest low carbon competence. Nat. Clim. Chang.
- Krefeld-Schwalb, A., Sugerman, E. R., & Johnson, E. J. (2024). Exposing omitted moderators: Explaining why effect sizes differ in the social sciences. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(12).
- Posner, N., Simonov, A., Mrkva, K., & Johnson, E. J. (2023). Dark defaults: How choice architecture steers campaign donations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(40).
- Zaval, L., Li, Y., Johnson, E.J., & Weber, E.U. (2015). Complementary contributions of fluid and crystallized intelligence to decision making across the life span. In T.M. Hess, J. Strough, & C. Lockenhoff (Eds.), Aging and Decision Making: Empirical and Applied Perspectives (p. 149-168). Massachusetts: Academic Press.
- Ubel, P.A., Comerford, D.A., & Johnson, E.J. (2015). Healthcare. gov 3.0—Behavioral Economics and Insurance Exchanges. New England Journal of Medicine, 372, 695-698.
- Li, Y., Gao, J., Enkavi, A.Z., Zaval, L., Weber, E.U., & Johnson, E.J. (2015). Sound credit scores and financial decisions despite cognitive aging. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112, 65-69.
- Zaval, L., Keenan, E.A., Johnson, E.J., & Weber, E.U. (2014). How warm days increase belief in global warming. Nature Climate Change, 4, 143-147.
- Payne, J., Sagara, N., Shu, S., Appelt, K., & Johnson, E. (2013). Life Expectancy as a Constructed Belief: Evidence of a Live-To or Die-By Framing Effect. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 46, 27 - 50.
- Johnson, E.J., Shu, S.B., Dellaert, B.G.C., Fox, C., Goldstein, D.G., Haeubl, G., Larrick, R.P., Payne, J.W., Schkade, D., Wansink, B., & Weber, E.U. (2012). Beyond nudges: Tools of a choice architecture. Marketing Letters, 23, 487-504.
- Weber, E.U. & Johnson, E.J. (2012). Psychology and Behavioral Economics Lessons for the Design of a Green Growth Strategy. White Paper for Green Growth Knowledge Platform (OECD, UNEP, World Bank)
- Weber, E.U., & Johnson, E. J. (2011). Query Theory: Knowing what we want by arguing with ourselves. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 34, 91-92. doi: 10.1017/S0140525X10002797
- Figner, B., Mackinlay, R. J., Wilkening, F., & Weber, E. U. (2009). Affective and deliberative processes in risky choice: Age differences in risk taking in the Columbia Card Task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 35(3), 709-730.
- Milch, K. F., Weber, E. U., Appelt, K. C., Handgraaf, M. J. J., & Krantz, D. H. (2009). From individual preference construction to group decisions: Framing effects and group processes. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 108(2), 242-255.
- Weber, E. U., & Johnson, E. J. (2009). Mindful judgment and decision making. Annual Review of Psychology, 60, 53-85.
- Weber, E. U., & Johnson, E. J. (2008). Decisions under uncertainty: Psychological, economic, and neuroeconomic explanations of risk preference. In P. Glimcher, C. Camerer, E. Fehr, & R. Poldrack (Eds.), Neuroeconomics: Decision making and the brain. New York: Elsevier.
- Johnson, E. J., Häubl, G., & Keinan, A. (2007). Aspects of endowment: A Query Theory of value construction. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 33(3), 461-474.
- Weber, E.U., Johnson, E.J., Milch, K.F., Chang, H., Brodscholl, J.C., & Goldstein, D.G. (2007). Asymmetric discounting in intertemporal choice: A Query-Theory account. Psychological Science, 18(6), 516–523.
- Weber, E. U., & Johnson, E. J. (2006). Constructing Preferences from Memories. In S. Lichtenstein & P. Slovic (Eds.), The Construction of Preference (pp. 397-410). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Selected Presentations
- Weber, E.U. Eastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Invited Address in Presidential Symposium on Behavioral Economics in Three Flavors, March 24, 2007.
- Johnson, E.J. University College London, London Judgement and Decision Making Seminar, May 17, 2006.
- Weber, E.U. University College London, London Judgement and Decision Making Seminar, May 31, 2006