Todd Jick
- Senior Lecturer in Discipline in Business
- Management Division
- Reuben Mark Faculty Director of Organizational Character and Leadership
- Bernstein Center for Leadership and Ethics
- Decisionmaking & Negotiations Faculty

- Areas of Expertise
- Leadership & Organizational Behavior
- Contact
- Office: 993 Kravis
- Phone: (212) 8549252
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Links
- Curriculum Vitae
Professor Jick is a leading expert in Leadership and Organizational Change. He has had a long career of both academic and consulting work in this field. In 2020, he became the Reuben Mark Faculty Director of Organizational Character and Leadership. He has an MS and PhD from Cornell in Organizational Behavior. He was a professor at the Harvard Business School for 10 years and a visiting professor, organizational behavior-human resource management at INSEAD and London Business School.
He built highly popular courses at CBS called "Organizational Change" and "Advanced Organizational Change" as well as “Bridging the American Divides,” co-taught with Professor Bruce Usher. He has twice received the Singhvi Prize for Teaching Excellence. His textbook, Managing Change, has been the leading offering in the field for the last 15 years, and his more than 100 cases have been among the top sellers in Case clearinghouses.
Jick has been published widely. His book, The Boundaryless Organization (with Ashkenas, Ulrich and Kerr, 2nd ed.) won the Accord Group Executive Leadership best business book of the year award. His podcast on the Future of the Workforce (Brave New Work) has reached wide audiences as part of his focus on leading edge management practices called “Management 2.0.”
Professor Jick has been actively involved in executive education, conference facilitation, executive coaching, and consulting in areas such as leadership, change management, and transformation, values-based management, and human resources management. He was a senior consultant to GE's famed corporate transformation initiative, "Workout."
Jick was honored to have been selected by the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation to be the facilitator of a series of forums from 2002 to 2004 to determine the mission and program elements for the 9-11 Memorial and Museum at Ground Zero.
He served on the Board of Claire's Stores, Inc., as chairman of the compensation committee. Further, he served for 15 years on the Williamstown Theatre Festival Board in Massachusetts and as Chair of the Governance Committee. He is on the Advisory Board of Women in Innovation, a not for profit focused on advancing the diversity and effectiveness of female managers and leaders in corporate Innovation roles.
- Education
B.A., Wesleyan University; M.S. and Ph.D., Cornell University
- Joined CBS
- 2006
All Activities
Three Management Skills to Develop in 2025
Building Trust in AI
Creating an AI-Ready Workforce
Working Smarter: How to Unlock the Power of AI in the Modern Workplace
AI in the Workplace: The Power of a Human-First Approach
Restoring Trust in Management: A Way Forward
Bureaucracies Are Surprisingly Resistant to Evolutionary Pressures. Here’s How We Can Break Free
Brave New World Revisited: 5 Trends Reshaping Business Practices
History, Hope, and Self-Reflection in Youngstown, Ohio
Todd Jick Appointed Reuben Mark Faculty Director of Organizational Character and Leadership
Advice to the Next US President: Healing the Nation
The Test of a Firm’s Values
Bernstein Symposium Focuses on Change
- Case ID
- 210410
Core Values in a Time of Crisis: Confronting COVID-19 at Acorn Health (A and B)
Can Acorn Health, a newly launched network of autism care providers, maintain its carefully crafted values-based culture in the wake of a global healthcare crisis?
- Case ID
- 210408
Managing Millennials: Whose Workplace is it Anyway?
Can millennials, particularly recent MBA graduates, and their baby boomer managers find common ground regarding workplace values and culture?
- Case ID
- 200402B
Michelle Rhee: Radical Reformer of Schools (B)
Is Michelle Rhee, the controversial chancellor of the Washington, D.C. public schools, a successful change agent?
- Case ID
- 200402
Michelle Rhee: Radical Reformer of Schools (A)
Is Michelle Rhee, the controversial chancellor of the Washington, D.C. public schools, a successful change agent?
- Case ID
- 190409A
Google's Diversity Debate (A)
How should Google move forward with its diversity program in the wake of a highly publicized internal debate on the issue?
- Case ID
- 190409B
Debate at Google: Diversity and Beyond (B)
How should companies like Google, with a commitment to openness as part of its core culture, discuss sensitive topics?
- Case ID
- 190408
Anheuser-Busch InBev and ZX Ventures: Thirst for Self-Disruption
How should large companies like AB InBev organize themselves to foster innovation and self-disruption both immediately and over the long term?
- Case ID
- 180411
Cross-Border Change Management: Alex Petrov
How can change agents be most effective when operating in a multinational setting?
- Case ID
- 180404A
Cross-Border Change Management: Darlene Adams
How can change agents be most effective when operating in a multinational setting?
- Case ID
- 170410
Implementing Change at Sterling & Co.
How should managers at a print media conglomerate on the brink of a major downsizing effort communicate with their staff about the difficult changes to come?
- Case ID
- 150410
The Washington Post and NY Times "Are a-Changin": Incumbent Media Leaders Fight Back
Can venerable news organizations the New York Times and the Washington Post successfully change with the times?
- Case ID
- 150404
Changing the Culture at IBM...Again
Has IBM's continuous effort to transform its culture been successful?
- Case ID
- 140422
MOOCs: Passing Fad or Higher Ed Revolution?
What is the future of MOOCs, and how will educators respond to the prospect of such far-reaching change?
- Case ID
- 140416
A Summer in Change Management Implementing a New System Launch
How should an MBA student interning at a pharmaceutical company apply theory from his change management course to his experience on the team responsible for rolling out a new automated system?
- Case ID
- 120402
The Evolution of Change at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
How does a curator at one of the world's leading art museums navigate the path to change?
- Case ID
- 90405
Susan Baskin: Aspiring Change Agent
How can you change the culture of a firm with sinking morale?
- Case ID
- 110402
Managing Change at NASA
How should the agency's director navigate the post-space-shuttle era of budget constraints and a potentially earthbound future?
- Case ID
- 100404
The Metropolitan Museum of Art: The Shark in the Room
How will a change in leadership at the Metropolitan Museum of Art shift the museum's direction?
- Case ID
- 100405
Brandeis University: Selling Art or the Art of Selling Change?
As a university announces an unexpected plan to close its art museum to offset a budget deficit, how could its president have better handled the controversial decision?
- Case ID
- 100410
AlphaNet and OmegaCom
After completing a hostile takeover of a competitor, what should be at the top of the CEO's agenda?
- Case ID
- 90408
Henry Silva: Aspiring Change Agent for a Start-up Company
What steps would be necessary for a recent Columbia MBA graduate to win over employees and to implement a successful change agenda in an innovative start-up energy company?
- Case ID
- 90401
Navigating Organizational Politics: The Case of Kristen Peters
When a summer intern in private wealth management at an investment firm receives poor feedback from the training program managers, what steps might she take to improve her performance and raise her stature?
- Case ID
- 90407
Change Agent "In Waiting"
How can an agency that provides homes for most of a country's population become more innovative and efficient?
- Case ID
- 70404
Chris Cunningham
How should a manager handle a difficult - but successful - employee?
- Case ID
- 80410
Merrill Lynch: Evolution, Revolution, and Sale, 1996-2008
Merrill Lynch, 1996-2008: How well did three successive CEOs manage a series of changes at one of Wall Street's most well-known firms in a 12-year period?
- Case ID
- 70401
Transforming Finance
How was a newly appointed chief financial officer able to carry out her mission of modernizing the exchange?
- Case ID
- 70403
Singapore Airlines: Continuing Service Improvement
How can an airline preserve its reputation as the top carrier in service as rivals emulate its dedication to customers?