2nd Annual Event for Alumni in Restructuring
February 8, 2006
Columbia Business School's Private Equity Program presented its 2 nd annual event for alumni on Restructuring: "Who Should Benefit from Pension Plan Terminations: The Public or Private Sector?
Peter R. Fisher , Managing Director, BlackRock, Inc.
Wilbur L. Ross, Jr. , CEO and Chairman, WL Ross and Co. LLC
Captain Duane E. Woerth , President, Air Line Pilots Association, International
1st Annual Event for Alumni in Restructuring
February 9, 2005
On February 9, Columbia Business School's Private Equity Program hosted its 1 st annual alumni event on Restructuring: “Restructuring Challenges: How to Think about the Global Economic Environment”
Henry Kaufman , President, Henry Kaufman & Company
John Lipsky , Chief Economist, JPMorgan
Read featured guest, John Lipsky's piece in the Wall Street Journal titled, Economy in the Zone (PDF)