The Owner’s Journey
Entrepreneurship in the United States continues to be a major path to wealth creation for individuals and their families.
Entrepreneurship in the United States continues to be a major path to wealth creation for individuals and their families.
Entrepreneurs are different from other people. Their talent lies in imagining a new solution or a fresh approach that gives the world something it may not have even realized it needed. Building a successful enterprise from start-up to sustained profitability demands total immersion.
During the last 50 years, the number and scope of women-owned businesses have risen at a virtually unprecedented rate
‘I’m not sure they’re ready yet.’ Over the last few years, we have become accustomed to hearing this complaint, or others like it, from family business leaders, anxious about who from the next generation will follow in their footsteps as stewards.
Most articles or speeches about family businesses start with some version of the “three-generation rule,” which suggests that most don’t survive beyond three generations.
In collaboration with the Columbia Global Center Nairobi, Kenya, Patricia M. Angus, Adjunct Professor and Managing Director, Global Family Enterprise Program, joined a panel of experts to explore how family businesses in Africa are evolving as sustainable growth drivers.
The HBR Family Business Handbook brings sophisticated guidance and practical advice from family business experts Josh Baron, adjunct professor, Columbia Business School, and Rob Lachenauer.
ESG investing is here to stay.
The New Ideas in Family Firms Conference brings together the world’s leading academic researchers and consulting practitioners to discuss what they can learn from each other and how to move theory and practice forward.
Many family businesses have enjoyed success for decades, even centuries. In Harvard Business Review, Professor Josh Baron PhD, explores five aspects of ownership that are crucial to family business success.