Paul Ingram
- Kravis Professor of Business
- Management Division
- Areas of Expertise
- Leadership & Organizational Behavior, Organizations & Markets, Strategy
- Contact
- Office: 398 Kravis
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Links
- Curriculum Vitae
Paul Ingram is the Kravis Professor of Business at the Columbia Business School. He has received Columbia’s highest recognition for teaching, the Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching, as well as the Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence, and thirteen teaching awards voted by graduating students at Columbia and Cornell Universities. He was the first professor from the Columbia Business School to serve as a Provost’s Senior Faculty Teaching Scholar, a role at Columbia University for exceptional teachers who are also distinguished researchers. His PhD is from Cornell University, and he was on the faculty of Carnegie Mellon University before coming to Columbia. He has held visiting professorships at Tel Aviv University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and the University of Toronto.
His research has been published in more than one hundred articles, book chapters and books. His publications have received numerous distinctions, including the Gould Prize from the American Journal of Sociology, which is awarded annually to a paper that is “empirically rigorous, theoretically grounded, and lucidly written,” and best paper awards in the areas of Organization and Management Theory, Strategy, and Collective Behavior and Social Movements. Ingram's current research examines the intersection between culture and social networks.
He has served as President of the College of Organization Science of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS). He has also served as an Associate Editor for Academy of Management Discoveries, a consulting editor for the American Journal of Sociology, a senior editor for Organization Science, an Associate Editor for Management Science and on the editorial boards of Administrative Science Quarterly and Strategic Organization.
Paul’s undergraduate degree is from Brock University where received the Governor General’s Award as the top graduating student. In 2004 he received the Distinguished Graduate Award from Brock’s Faculty of Business. He has consulted on issues of leadership, organizational design, and strategy to leading companies in the finance, health care, insurance, energy, arts, legal, education, and consumer products industries.
- Education
BBA, Brock, Ontario, 1990; MS, Cornell, 1993; PhD, 1994
- Joined CBS
- 1998
All Activities
Columbia Business School Faculty Members Awarded Honors
Study Reveals How Right-to-Work Laws Impact Store Openings
- Case ID
- 230409
The Equity Alliance: Changing the Game in Venture Capital
What makes a successful social capital playbook?
- Case ID
- 180408
Real Madrid: Alignment on the Field and Off
Who will Real Madrid choose to offer a spot on their roster and how will that player align with the team's values?
- Case ID
- 150405AB
Mira Khan at Z-Mor Pharmaceutical A
How should a young change agent respond when a company's values begin to unravel?
- Case ID
- 140408
Goldman Sachs: Challenged by Crisis and Pressures
In the face of this crisis, what reorganization plans should Goldman adopt that would allow the firm to build on its past success and provide the best foundation for future growth?
- Case ID
- 140401
Implementing Change at Teleswitches
- Case ID
- 140405
Leading by your Values: Joe Almeida
- Case ID
- 140301
Chocolat Cordon Rouge: A Capital Budgeting Review
How will the top management team at a Paris-based confectioner allocate a predetermined capital expenditure budget over several prospective projects?
- Case ID
- 130401
Operation Tomodachi
What is the appropriate response of a leader in a crisis situation?
- Case ID
- 120411
Competition in the Geo-Mosaic Industry
What is the best managerial style and organizational structure to most efficiently complete a given task?
- Case ID
- 112108
Does Size Matter? GM Management's Mandate to Decide
In the political and economic climate of 2003, should GM design and produce small cars or SUVs?
- Case ID
- 110409
There Will Be Oil
Should the owners of an oil drilling operation pursue a high-risk strategy of exploring deep into unknown territory, or lease their land?
- Case ID
- 120403
The Coup
How should shareholders be informed of a recent "coup" on the board which resulted in a hasty firing of the CEO?
- Case ID
- 110410
The Love Candy Shop: How do effective organizations really work?
- Case ID
- 100407
Patagonia Role-Play Exercise: The Role of the Seller
As 100,000 prime acres in Argentina's Patagonia region are put up for sale, how might the owner of the land and the bidders achieve their individual goals?
- Case ID
- 80412
Organizational Change: The DVP>C Formula
When are the forces for organizational change greater than the cost of change-and how does this "formula" apply to an automotive plant in need of process improvement?
- Case ID
- 80411
Handling Change at Ferguson: The Credit Function
How should the vice president of a fast-growing company consolidate his firm's credit function?