Artificial intelligence is reshaping industries across the globe—from finance to healthcare, retail to manufacturing.
It’s more than just a technological innovation; it’s a cultural and social transformation that’s redefining how we work, learn, and live.
Because of this, AI is revolutionizing the way academic institutions prepare future business leaders.
Why? As NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang said during a recent fireside chat at the School with Dean Costis Maglaras:
"AI is not going to take your job. The person who uses AI will."
Here at Columbia Business School, we are at the forefront of integrating AI into business education, equipping students with the tools to harness this technology and drive innovation in the real world.
In this episode of Columbia Bizcast, we’ll hear from Dean Maglaras and Professors Daniel Guetta, Oded Netzer, and Ashli Carter to learn how the School is leading the way in preparing the next generation of business leaders to leverage AI for transformation and progress.
All business leaders know that if you want to understand an institution’s direction, you need to look at the "tone at the top." When it comes to AI, Dean Maglaras is setting a bold and urgent vision for CBS, fueled by his own deep history with AI as a researcher.'''
Listen to the podcast using the link above, or read more about the School's AI initiative.
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