Event Limit Policy
Summer Semester 2025: January-term and EMBA students are in class over the summer and are available for information sessions and networking events.
Fall Semester 2024: Companies are limited to hosting three events per class year (including virtual events), in addition to a single diversity event*.
- Examples of events that fall under this policy include: company information sessions, practice area networking events, social events, and invite-only events.
- Examples of events excluded from this policy include: coffee chats, multi-school events and multi-firm events. Individual and small group coffee chats and informational interviews may be scheduled directly with students, but students must not be asked to miss class. It is recommended to follow event date and time guidelines to ensure a student does not have an academic commitment. We encourage companies to be flexible when offering students the opportunity to engage in coffee chats.
- Different divisions (e.g., investment banking vs. asset management) or geographic offices within a company may qualify as separate entities for the purpose of this policy, and firms must receive prior approval from the CMC before planning an event.
*Companies may host multiple diversity events but must not allow individual students to attend more than one diversity event of their choice
Second-Year Event Guidelines
On-campus company events targeting only second-year students begin Tuesday, September 3, 2024.
- Events must be no more than 60 minutes long and event blackout periods apply.
- All events, including those that are virtual or taking place off-campus, must be submitted through COIN in order for the CMC to ensure a conflict-free calendar.
- Invitation-only events must be requested through COIN in order to avoid conflicts with other firms in your industry.
Joint-Year or First-Year Event Guidelines
- No events involving first-year students may take place before September 23, 2024. Company representatives may not interact with matriculated first-year students prior to this date.
- Events must be no more than 60 minutes long and event blackout periods apply.
- Events may take place from either 6:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M. or 8:00 P.M.-9:00 P.M. on any evening between September 3 and October 31, 2024 (except during blackout periods).
- Events may take place from either 6:30 P.M.-7:30 P.M. or 8:30 P.M.-9:30 P.M. on any evening between November 1 and December 6, 2024 (except during blackout periods). All events must be submitted through COIN for the CMC to ensure a conflict-free calendar.
Event Blackout Periods
Companies may not host events, including informal networking, on blackout dates as follows:
- Rosh Hashanah October 3-4
- Yom Kippur October 11
- Study Day/Midterm exams October 14-18 — full-time interviews allowed
- Fall Break November 4-5
- Thanksgiving holiday November 27–29
- Study Days/Final Exams/1Y Interviews December 9-Jan 2
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day January 20
- Midterm exams and Spring break March 3-14
- Final exams May 5-9
- Commencement May 21, 2025
Pre-interview Events & Sell Days
Pre-interview events are generally not allowed. Please consult your account manager about your company's circumstances.
Sell Days should never conflict with academic commitments and are therefore best held on Fridays or Saturdays. Additionally, firms may not invite students to sell days or other post interview events until after offers are extended.