There are many educational technology tools available for CBS faculty to incorporate into their teaching to create an inclusive learning environment, encourage active learning, engage students, assess student learning, provide frequent and meaningful feedback, and promote academic integrity. Many of these tools can be found integrated within CourseWorks, the University learning management system. You can learn more about these tools by reviewing the guides below or by emailing [email protected].
If you’re considering a teaching and learning project that employs a new educational technology solution, make sure you go through the formal approval process so FPO will approve the purchase. The process takes an average of 4-6 months. Fill out this Ed Tech Project Intake Form and we will follow up with you to schedule a consultation and get started.
CourseWorks (Canvas)
This is the learning management system used at Columbia University and is the center of many instructional activities. Review the resources below to begin learning ways you can effectively use CourseWorks/Canvas:
- Getting Started with CourseWorks (Canvas) for CBS Faculty
- Enroll in CTL’s self-paced course: Introduction to CourseWorks (Canvas) Online 2.0
All students, staff and faculty (full-time and adjuncts) now have access to CU-GPT powered by GPT-4 omni. CU-GPT is designed for Columbia's unique needs, enhancing precision and relevance in academic and administrative tasks. Columbia Business School is the first school part of this pilot.
Visit Generative AI Tools Available at CBS for a more expansive list of generative AI tools.
This is an accessibility checker integrated within your Courseworks course site to help make your course materials accessible. Learn more about Accessibility Checker: Ally.
Harvard Business Publishing (HBP App)
Harvard Business Publishing cases can now be easily added into Courseworks by divisional staff and administrators using the HBP app. Some additional benefits to this integration for faculty and students are the following:
- Instructors can manage simulations and online courses without a separate login
- Students can access all course materials using their LMS credentials. If they cannot access the HBP materials, they may contact HBP Customer Support
- LMS course roster is automatically loaded to simulations for team assignment
For faculty, please continue ordering cases through your division and they will be added using the HBP app. Learn more about the Harvard Business Publishing app (lionmail login required).
Poll Everywhere
Poll Everywhere is a polling software which can be used to enhance teaching and learning. Faculty can use Poll Everywhere as a discussion starter, to gauge students’ prior knowledge and readiness to discuss certain topics. It can also be used to engage students who might be hesitant to speak up in class. Additionally, faculty can use the tool to assess student learning, to ask concept check questions, receive immediate feedback from students, and ensure students are understanding the material. Sharing the responses with the class can provide valuable feedback to students about their own learning. Get started by reviewing Poll Everywhere Intro for CBS Faculty.
Proctorio is a remote proctoring service licensed by Columbia University. At Columbia Business School, Proctorio is intended to deter cheating and is not used to initiate academic integrity investigations. The data stored in Proctorio may be reviewed if there is a report of a suspected Honor Code violation. Review the Proctorio Guide for Faculty and Staff to set up Proctorio for your exams.
SeatGEN is a tool that can be used to build and print seating charts and print class rosters, student profiles, flash cards and tent cards for all students enrolled in a particular course. Note: Students must opt-in to have their photo and background information shared in SeatGEN. During Orientation, students are strongly encouraged to opt in and are given instructions on how to do so within their CampusGroups profile.
SeatGEN is one option for tracking attendance and participation. Faculty, TAs, and divisional staff may access the "New seatGEN" tab within the Canvas course navigation menu. Students do not have access to SeatGEN. Review the SeatGEN Canvas Module to learn more about SeatGEN features.
Turnitin is a tool that can help instructors detect instances of plagiarism by comparing assignment submissions with content from databases and flagging similarities for the instructor's review. It is also utilized as a teaching and learning tool, to help facilitate discussions between faculty and students about proper citation and opportunities to improve their writing skills. Turnitin can only be used if students submit a Canvas Assignment and accept the Turnitin end-user agreement presented within the Assignment. This ensures transparency in grading practices. Turnitin is not available in Canvas Quizzes. Review the following documentation to set up Turnitin in your course.
This tool is available in Courseworks and allows students and faculty to record the pronunciation of their name and list their pronouns. You only need to record this information once and it will be available in all the courses you're registered for. If you previously entered this information into the prior tool called "Name & Pronoun Recordings" (AKA Name Coach), you will need to reenter this information into You@Columbia. For more information, see You@Columbia: A Step-by-Step Tutorial.
Classroom Technology
Classroom technology at the Columbia Business School is supported by the Multimedia Group (MMG). Please contact [email protected] if you need help with technology in the classroom or would like to receive training before your first day of class. The following guides developed by MMG will help you get started with classroom technology.
Classroom Technology Guides
At the podium in each classroom, you will find a lectern, computer and touchpanel controls. Follow the Manhattanville Classroom Technology Guides and Classroom AV Quick Start Guide to begin to familiarize yourself with the classroom technology.
The video lecture capture platform for the Columbia Business School is Echo360. It is installed in all Business School classrooms, and automatically records classes as they occur. Find out more about the Echo360 Course Recordings.
Crestron AirMedia is a wireless presentation app that allows you to share a laptop, tablet or phone’s screen wirelessly to an in-room display. This AirMedia guide will help you get started on how to install the app to your devices.
Student Technology
If students have any questions regarding technology at CBS, they should contact ITG Student Support at [email protected].
Digital Casebook Initiative
All MBA and EMBA students receive a CBS-issued iPad, an Apple Pencil, and a carrying case as part of the Digital Casebook Initiative. The CBS-issued iPad will be the property of CBS until graduation. Please email [email protected] for any questions related to the CBS-issued iPads.
Slack is a messaging app. At the Columbia Business School, there is a student-supported Slack channel that is managed by [email protected], but not for faculty.