This resource is intended to help CBS faculty and staff to prepare for administering final exams. Certain items pertain to the Core and not necessarily elective courses. Note: some links may require you to log into LionMail ([email protected]).
Who does what when it comes to exam administration? What should I do to prepare for exams?
- Review the Exam Readiness Roles and Responsibilities.
- Recommended at least two weeks before exam day: fill out this Canvas Quiz Creation Form to provide all exam details to your division staff, who will help you set up the Canvas quiz. Publish the quiz ASAP (at least one full business day (preferably earlier)) before the exam opens. It must be published for OSA to enter any accommodations.
- Familiarize yourself with these sites and bookmark them in case you need to find them quickly and share them with students:
- Exam Readiness & Requirements (for students) - includes instructions for downloading Proctorio, troubleshooting steps, and where to go for technical support during an exam
- MBA Exam Policy - includes the policy for scheduling a make-up exam
- EMBA Exam Policy - includes the policy for scheduling a make-up exam
What should I communicate to my students so they're prepared for exam day?
- 2-3 days before the exam: Provide instructions to students (where to go, bring a fully charged laptop and charger, where to find the exam in Canvas, etc.). Recommended: send a Canvas announcement using this Exam Reminder for Students (Template).
- Recommended: In the Canvas quiz instructions, reiterate the info from the announcement along with any additional exam instructions.
- Recommended during the last class session: reserve time for students to complete the Proctorio Test Exam (in the Quizzes tab of your course) and ask questions about exam logistics.
- On exam day: it may be helpful to post this QR code in the classroom along with any other day-of instructions (e.g., where to sit, who to contact with questions, etc.). Or instead of posting the QR code, you may wish to include this link within the quiz instructions: Exam Readiness & Requirements (for Students).
What is Proctorio and is it required? How do I enable Proctorio in a Canvas Quiz? How do I use the Proctorio Gradebook?
- Refer to the Proctorio Guide for Faculty & Staff
- Everyone (faculty, designers, students) must download the Proctorio extension to properly view or edit a quiz that uses Proctorio.
- Division staff can help faculty enable Proctorio within a Canvas quiz. Faculty must inform division staff which Proctorio settings to enable. Use the Quiz Creation Form (above) for guidance and make sure the Proctorio Test Exam matches the final exam settings.
- Faculty should inform students in advance if they choose to record video and audio, so students know what to expect.
- Faculty should familiarize themselves with the Proctorio Gradebook. See the above link for details.
- No access code is required. Refer to the above guide and refer students to the Exam Readiness & Requirements (for Students) page.
How do I create a Canvas Quiz?
- Learn about creating online exams on the Center for Teaching and Learning's (CTL) site.
- Find tips and reminders in the Canvas Intro for Faculty & Staff (under Course Content).
- Explore Canvas quiz options and learn all about Canvas quizzes on Instructure's website.
- Division staff, please review the Canvas Quiz Module in the Samberg Admin Community Canvas course.
Can students use iPads and multiple monitors/screens during exams?
- Unless explicitly stated by the professor, students are not permitted to use multiple devices or monitors/screens for a final exam that uses Proctorio. Proctorio does not work with multiple screens nor with iPads/tablets and phones.
- If the professor allows students to use their CBS-issued iPads during the exam, students cannot view or take the Canvas quiz on the iPad because Proctorio doesn’t work on iPads. The professor needs to be explicit about what the students are allowed to use during the exam and what they’re allowed (and not allowed) to do on the iPad during the exam. Internet usage is already restricted on iPads by default but students can access certain websites and apps (see page 2 in the CBS Digital Casebook Initiative).
- If you choose to allow students to use their iPads during the exam, please remember that Proctorio won’t record their activity on the iPad. If there’s any suspicion of academic dishonesty, there wouldn’t be a way to see their iPad activity. Although Canvas logs certain user activity, the data is limited.
- If you choose to allow students to use a second monitor/screen during an exam, Proctorio will not record the second screen. You will not be able to review the activity on the second screen.
What should students do if they have technical difficulties during an exam?
- Most issues are resolved by following the troubleshooting steps on the Exam Readiness & Requirements (for students) page.
- If the troubleshooting steps don't resolve the issue, the student should contact ITG Student Support (StuSup) for assistance (see above link for details).
- No access code is required. Refer to the Proctorio Guide and refer students to the Exam Readiness & Requirements (for Students) page.
A student was unable to complete their exam in time. What should I do?
- Did they have technical difficulties?
- If they went to StuSup, you may wish to ask StuSup to confirm the amount of time they helped the student troubleshoot and clarify what the issue was and how it was resolved.
- You may want to review the Proctorio Gradebook, which may offer helpful information about what happened during a specific student's exam. See the Proctorio Guide linked above.
- If you (professor) decide to grant the student additional time or attempts to complete the quiz, you or your divisional staff person can moderate the quiz to add time or additional attempts. The steps to do this vary by situation. Use this interactive tool to quickly decide what to do and take action.
- Did the student simply run out of time? Did they work through the buffer time and not watch the clock?
- The timer starts counting down when the student clicks “Take the quiz”. The student can see the timer counting down during the quiz. Canvas automatically submits the quiz when the timer runs out or when the “until” time is reached – whichever happens first.
- Students can log out of Canvas and log back into the quiz as long as the time hasn’t run out or the “until” time has passed. If their computer falls asleep, they can still log back in during this time.
- You (professor) may decide how to handle this situation.
- Were they ill? Refer to the MBA Exam Policy or EMBA Exam Policy and contact the program office (OSA/EMBA/MS/PhD) with questions or concerns.