During orientation, students are given information about academic policies at the University and the School. Students are expected to adhere to these policies and faculty are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves and align their teaching practices with these policies. The program offices are the first point of contact for questions and concerns related to these student policies. Read about Academic Standards on OSA's site and find additional guidance in the links located in the side navigation menu.
Academic Integrity and Behavioral Conduct Concerns
Read about the CBS Disciplinary Process and the essential steps faculty should take when they identify an academic integrity concern.
CBS Core Culture
The purpose of CBS Core Culture is to promote a classroom environment of mutual respect, preparation, and engagement. These standards were developed by faculty representing all six divisions of the School who teach in the core and serve as coordinators for each core course. It is expected that all courses follow these standards.
Inclusion, Accommodations and Support for Students
At Columbia Business School, we believe that diversity strengthens any community or business model and brings it greater success. Read about our commitment to providing all students with the equal opportunity to thrive in the classroom.