As part of its commitment to outstanding teaching at the Business School, the Samberg Institute offers faculty members the opportunity to schedule a class observation by a member of the Samberg team. These observations will enable faculty to receive detailed feedback on their teaching practices, student engagement, and presentation skills. This observation will result in action steps you can implement in your next class.
Please note: All class observations are strictly confidential. Faculty members can request up to two class observations per year.
What to expect from an in-class observation:
- A Samberg team member trained in evaluating teaching best practices will contact you to schedule the observation. We prefer to visit your class in person, but where necessary, we may view an Echo 360 recording of a class session instead.
- We will observe one of your earlier classes to provide actionable feedback as early as possible. You may also suggest the best class to attend/watch based on your course schedule and the type of feedback you’d like to receive.
- The Samberg observer will also review your syllabus and other materials to understand your overall course plan and the expectations for the observed class session.
The Samberg team member will observe a portion (usually the first hour or up until the first scheduled break) of your class and take notes on:
- Content (e.g., course/session design, learning objectives, relevance/usefulness of course materials)
- Delivery (e.g., verbal and non-verbal communication)
- Facilitation (e.g., question agility, cultivating engagement/discussions)
- Student engagement (e.g., signs of attentiveness, active participation in discussions or activities, evidence of active collaboration)
- Any additional aspect of your teaching that you’d like us to consider during the observation.
The Samberg team member will email you a summary of their observation notes and schedule a time to discuss the feedback with you and provide follow-up actions and support if desired.