The Economic and Political Impact of China's Overseas Direct Investment
June 11, 2012
- Jeffrey Sachs, director, The Earth Institute
- Ilan Alon, director of the China and India Centers at Rollins College
- Yiping Huang, professor of economics, China Center for Economic Research at Peking University
- Greg Mills, director, Brenthurst Foundation
- Douglas Ritchie, CEO, Rio Tinto
- Daniel Rosen, partner, Rhodium Group
- Yao Yang
- View event photos on Facebook
China Business Initiative Spring Forum
May 22, 2012
Innovation and Transformation.
- Xiaobing Chang, chairman and CEO, China Unicom
- Richard H. Neiman, vice chairman, PricewaterhouseCoopers
- John M. Paterson, chief procurement officer, IBM
- Henry Zhao, CEO, Harvest Funds Management
Kissinger on China
April 16, 2012
- Henry Kissinger
- Glenn Hubbard
Understanding the Euro Crisis: How We Got Into This Mess and Where We're Heading
February 2, 2012