May 19, 2022
Global Online Platforms: Free Flow vs. Domestic Culture: Day 2
Around the world, the proliferation and penetration of streaming video systems challenges the role of traditional broadcasters and multichannel TV providers. Viewers can pick content directly from anywhere– a great opening. But the dominance of several major platforms also puts pressure on national production and distribution system, and to new forms of gatekeepers -- a great narrowing. The emerging video system thus brings into conflict two important societal and economic values: the free access by and to media, information, and creativity on the one hand, and the preservation of domestic content and culture on the other hand. With the cost per mile of transmission near zero, distance has ceased to be a barrier against overseas providers. This enables platforms and products of one or a few countries to dominate worldwide. In addition, different countries have different perspectives and traditions on what kind content is acceptable. In such an environment, sharp clashes of business, politics, technology, and culture are inevitable. It has led to national and regional initiatives which, in the aggregate, create a restrictive media environment. It is therefore necessary to establish a balanced approach to domestic cultural diversity and international free flows that is sensitive to the multiple concerns.
To analyze and discuss this, the Columbia Institute for Tele-Information is holding a 2-day conference on April 14th 2022 and May 19th 2022 which seeks to bring together thought leaders, policymakers, industry players, and others.
Day 2 Agenda:
10:00-10:10am EDT Welcome and Introduction
- Eli Noam, Paul Garrett Chair in Public Policy and Business Responsibility, Columbia Business School
10:10-10:30am EDT National Culture
- Milton Mueller, Professor and Program Director, School of Public Policy, Georgia Tech
10:30-11:20am EDT Options to Support National Culture in the Online TV Environment, and Their Effectiveness
- Eli Noam, Paul Garrett Chair in Public Policy and Business Responsibility, Columbia Business School (Moderator)
- Mira Burri, Professor of International Economic and Internet Law, University or Lucerne (Switzerland)
- Nicolas R. Prince, Assistant Professor of Management, University of Wyoming
- Jimmyn Parc, Visiting Lecturar, Sciences Po Paris and Associated Researcher, Seoul National University
11:20-12:15pm EDT Media Industry Prospective
- Carolina Lorenzon, Mediaset (Moderator)
- Egbert Schram, Group CEO Hofstede Insights
- Naoki Ishizaka, Dentsu
- Globo Representative (tentative)
12:15-12:35pm EDT Views on Domestic Culture (tentative)
- Marcello Foa, former President of Rai (Italy)
12:35pm-12:55pm EDT Policymakers Prospective
- Reed Hundt, Former FCC Chairman
12:55-1:00pm Conclusions
- Eli Noam, Paul Garrett Chair in Public Policy and Business Responsibility, Columbia Business School