The Technology, Business, and Economics of Streaming Video: The Next Generation of Media Emerges. Noam, Eli M. Edward Elgar
The Content, Impact, and Regulation of Streaming Video: The Next Generation of Media Emerges. Noam, Eli M. Edward Elgar
Media and Digital Management. Noam, Eli M. Palgrave
Managing Media and Digital Organizations. Noam, Eli M. Palgrave
Digitized Labor. Noam, Eli M., Lorenzo Pupillo & Leonard Waverman. Palgrave.
The Telecommunications Revolution: Past, Present and Future Eds. Sapolsky, Harvey M., Rhonda J. Crane, W. Russell Neuman, & Eli M. Noam
Who Owns the World’s Media? Noam, Eli M. New York: Oxford University Press
El ecosistema y la economia digital en América Latina. Katz, Raul L. Madrid: Ariel
Broadband as a Video Platform. O’Neil, Judith, Eli Noam, and Darcy Gerbarg, eds., New York: Springer
Demand for Communications Services – Insights and Perspectives: Essays in Honor of Lester D. Taylor. Alleman, James, Aine Marie Patrica NiShúilleabháin, and Paul N. Rappoport, eds. New York: Springer
Media Industry Dynamics. Faustino, Paulo, Eli Noam, Christian Scholz, and John Levine, eds., Lisbon: Media XXI
Driving Demand for Broadband Networks and Services. Katz, Raul L. & Taylor Berry. London: Springer
Beyond Broadband Access: Developing Data-Based Information Policy Strategies. Taylor, Richard D. and Amit M. Schejter, eds. New York: Fordham University Press
Broadband Networks, Smart Grids and Climate Change. Noam, Eli, Johann Kranz, and Lorenzo Pupillo, eds., New York: Springer
Ultra-broadband Smart Networks for a Smarter Society: Exploring the Policy and Business Directions. KATP-CITI International Joint Symposium Proceedings. June 24, 2011.
Il direct insurance in Italia. Trend di mercato, modelli di business e strategie competitive (Direct insurance in Italy: Market trends, business models and competitive strategies) – Luca Turba (CITI Visiting Scholar) (IBS, 2010)
El Papel de las Tic en el Desarrollo: Propuesta de América Latina a los retos económicos actuales (Redefining the Digital Divide: The Contribution of ICT to Economic Development in Latin America) – Raul Katz (Ariel, 2010)
Transitioned Media: A Turning Point into the Digital Realm. Gali Einav, Springer
Media Ownership and Concentration in America. Eli Noam (Oxford, 2009). Awarded “Best Book of the Year in Media Economics by the Media Management, Economics & Entrepreneurship division of AEJMC
Peer-to-Peer Video: The Economics, Policy, and Culture of Today’s New Mass Medium. Noam, Eli M.; Pupillo, Lorenzo Maria (Eds.) (Springer, 2008)
Television Goes Digital. Darcy Gerbarg (Springer, 2008)
Ultrabroadband: the next stage in communications. Communications & Strategies. 2008.
Mobile Media Content and Services for Wireless Communications. Jo Groebel, Eli Noam and Valerie Feldman, eds (Erlbaum, 2006).
Confessions of a Wall Street Analyst: A True Story of Inside Information and Corruption in the Stock Market. Dan Reingold (HarperCollins, 2006).
The Mobile Revolution. Dan Steinbock (Kogan Page Stylus, 2005).
The Telecommunications Meltdown (in Japanese), Eli Noam, Thomas Hazlett, Lawrence Lessig, and Richard Epstein (NTT Publishing Company, 2005).
Leveraging Mobile Media: Cross-Media Strategy and Innovation Policy for Mobile Media Communication. Valerie Feldman (Physica-Verlag, 2005).
Internet Television. Eli Noam, Jo Groebel, Darcy Gerbarg, eds (Erlbaum, 2004).
Competition for the Mobile Internet. Dan Steinbock and Eli Noam (Artech, 2003).
Crisis Communications: Lessons from September 11. A. Michael Noll (Rowman Littlefield, 2003).
Interconnecting the Network of Networks. Eli Noam (MIT Press, 2001).
Principles of Modern Communications Technology. A. Michael Noll (Artech House, 2001).
The Economics, Technology and Content of Digital TV. Darcy Gerbarg (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999).
Public Television in America. Eli Noam & Jens Walterman (Bertelsman Stiftung, 1999).
The New Investment Theory of Real Options and its Implication for Telecommunications Economics. James Alleman and Eli Noam (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999).
Opening Networks to Competition: The Regulation and Pricing of Access. David Gabel and David F. Weiman (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998).
Telecommunications in Africa. Eli M. Noam (Oxford University Press, 1998).
The V-Chip Debate: Content Filtering from Television to the Internet. Monroe Price (Erlbaum, 1998)
Globalism and Localism in Telecommunications. Eli M. Noam and A. J. Wolfson (Elsevier Science Publishers, 1997).
Highway of Dreams: A Critical View Along the Information Superhighway. A. Michael Noll (Erlbaum, 1997).
Telecommunications in Latin America. Eli M. Noam (Oxford University Press, 1997).
Telecommunications in Western Asia and the Middle East. Eli M. Noam (Oxford University Press, 1997).
Information Superhighways Revisited: The Economics of Multimedia. Bruce L. Egan (Artech House, 1996).
Cyber-TV: Thesen Zur Dritten Fernseh Revolution. Eli M. Noam (Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung).
Private Networks and Public Objectives. Eli M. Noam & Aine NíShúilleabháin (Elsevier, 1996).
American Regulatory Federalism and Telecommunications Infrastructure. Paul Teske (Erlbaum, 1995).
Quality and Reliability of Telecommunications Infrastructure. William Lehr (Lawrence Erlbaum & Associates, 1995).
Symposia: Television Self-Regulation and Ownership Regulation: The American Experience. Presented by the Columbia Institute for Tele-Information. Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal, Volume 13, Number 3, 1995.
Asymmetric Deregulation: The Dynamics of Telecommunications Policy in Europe and the United States. Eli M. Noam and Gerard Pogorel (Ablex, 1994).
Telecommunications in the Pacific Basin: An Evolutionary Approach. Douglas A. Conn, Seisuke Komatsuzaki and Eli Noam (Oxford University Press, 1994).
The International Market for Film and Television Programs. Brenda Dervin, Joel C. Millonzi and Eli M. Noam (Ablex, 1993).
Technologies without Boundaries: On Telecommunications in a Global Age. Ithiel de Sola Pool, edited by Eli M. Noam (Spanish Edition, Fondo del Cultura Economica, 1993; also available in Japanese, 2003).
Japan’s ISDN Revolution. Osamu Inoue, Tatsuo Kawasaki, Takeshi Kawauchi, Tadashi Mizuno, Eli M. Noam, Jerry Nowicki, Kent M. Takeda, Hisashi Yazawa. Introduction by Kohji Ohboshi (Intertec Publishing Corp., 1992).
Telecommunications in Europe. Eli Noam (Oxford University Press, 1992).
The Telecommunications Revolution: Past, Present, and Future. Harvey M. Sapolsky, Rhonda J. Crane, W. Russel Neuman & Eli M. Noam (Routledge, 1992; Japanese Translation, Japan UNI Agency, Inc., 1992).
Television in Europe. Eli Noam (Oxford University Press, 1991).
After the Breakup: Assessing the New Post-AT&T Divestiture Era. Barry G. Cole (Columbia University Press, 1991; Japanese Translation, Columbia University Press, 1991).
Integrated Broadband Networks: The Public Policy Issues. Martin C. J. Elton (Elsevier, 1991).
Price Caps and Incentive Regulation in Telecommunications. Michael A. Einhorn (Kluwer, 1991).
Information Superhighways: The Economics of Advanced Public Communication Networks. Bruce L. Egan (Artech House, 1991).
Technologies without Boundaries Eli Noam. Editor for Ithiel de Sola Pool (posthumously) (Harvard University Press, 1990).
Cable TV Advertising: In Search of the Right Formula. Rajeev Batra and Rashi Glazer (Greenwood Press, 1989).
The Cost of Libel: Economic and Policy Implications. Everette E. Dennis and Eli M. Noam (Columbia University Press, 1989).
New Directions in Telecommunications Policy, vol. 1, Paula Newberg, ed (Durham, 1989, vol. 2, 1989).
Law of International Telecommunications in the United States. Stephen R. Barnett, Michael Botein and Eli M. Noam (Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1987).
Services in Transition: The Impact of Information Technologies on the Service Sector. Gerard R. Faulhaber, Eli M. Noam and Roberta Tasley (Ballinger, 1986).
Technological Innovation, Regulation and the Monetary Economy. Colin Lawrence and Robert Shay (Ballinger, 1986).
Tracing New Orbits: Cooperation and Competition in Satellite Development. Donna A. Demac (Columbia University Press, 1986).
Video Media Competition: Regulation, Economics, and Technology. Eli M. Noam (Columbia University Press, 1985).
Telecommunications Regulation Today and Tomorrow. Eli M. Noam (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1983).