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- Neuman, W. Russell. "Megamedia: The Growth of International Media Conglomerates." In Globalism and Localism in Telecommunications. Eli M. Noam and A. J. Wolfson eds. Elsevier Science Publishers, 1997
- Neuman, W. Russell. "Broadcasting and Bandwidth." In The Economics, Technology and Content of Digital TV. Darcy Gerbarg ed. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999
- Neus, Andreas, Saul J. Berman, Bill Battino & Louisa Shipnuck. "The End of Advertising As We Know It." In Television Goes Digital. Darcy Gerbarg ed. Springer, 2008
- Neustadt, Richard M. "Comments on The New Telecommunications Act as a Regulatory Framework." In Telecommunications Regulation Today and Tomorrow. Noam, Eli ed. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1983
- Nguyen, Godefroy Dang. "Competition, Concentration, and Competitiveness of the European Manufacturing Industry." In Asymmetric Deregulation: The Dynamics of Telecommunications Policy in Europe and the United States. Eli M. Noam and Gerard Pogorel eds. Ablex, 1994
- Nichols, John Spicer and Alicia M. Torres. Telecommunications, Conflicts, and Change in Cuba (1996)
- Nichols, John Spicer & Alicia M. Torres. "Cuba." In Telecommunications in Latin America. Eli M. Noam ed. Oxford University Press, 1997
- Maher, William F. Jr. and Cynthia Nila. Toward a New Definition of Infrastructure (1992)
- NiShuilleabhain, Aine. Strategic Response by Public Network Operators to Private Networking in Europe (1990)
- Kramer, Richard and Aine Ni Shuillleabhaim. Investment and Structural Trends in Multinational Services (1993)
- Kramer, Richard and Aine Ni Shuillleabhaim. Monopolistic Competition in European Telecommunications: Market Structure and Emerging Global Operators (1993)
- NíShúilleabháin, Aine M. "Strategic Response to Competition by Private Network Operators." In Private Networks and Public Objectives. Eli M. Noam & Aine NíShúilleabháin eds. Elsevier, 1996
- Gabel, David and Joan Nix. AT&Ts Strategic Response to Competition Why Not Preempt Entry? (1992)
- Noam, Eli. “Opening up Cable TV,” The New York Times, editorial page article (March 19, 1981). Reprinted in Hermes, Vol. 8, No. 1 (Summer 1981), pp. 15. Also reprinted as: "Should the Cable TV Operators Choose the Programs and Also Distribute?" Moneysworth (July 1981). Also reprinted as: "Summing Up: An Assessment of Economic Trends and Financial Moves," American Business (September 1981).
- Noam, Eli. “Federal Regulation of Cable Television and the Role of Local Government,” Access, No. 146 (June 2, 1982), p. 3.
- Noam, Eli. “Entry Decontrol and Deregulation: Concepts in Collision,” with Mark Nadel, Selected Papers of the American Business Law Association, Jan Henkel, ed., Louisville, Ky. (1982), pp. 73‑86.
- Noam, Eli. “The AT&T Settlement, Local Operating Companies, and the Contestability of Local Distribution Monopolies,” The AT&T Settlement, Washington, DC: National Association of Attorneys General (1982), pp. 27‑34.
- Noam, Eli. “Towards an Integrated Communications Market: Overcoming the Local Monopoly of Cable Television,” Federal Communications Law Journal, Vol. 34, No. 2 (Spring 1982), pp. 209‑57.
- Noam, Eli M. Federal and State Roles in Telecommunications: The Effects of Deregulation (1983)
- Nadel, Mark and Eli M. Noam. The Economics of Low Power Television An Anthology (1983)
- Nadel, Mark and Eli M. Noam. The Economics of Multipoint Distribution Service: An Anthology (1983)
- Nadel, Mark and Eli M. Noam. The Economics of Physical Distribution: Video Cassettes/Discs and Movie Theater An Anthology (1983)
- Nadel, Mark and Eli M. Noam. The Economics of Satellite Master Antenna Television An Anthology (1983)
- Nadel, Mark and Eli M. Noam. The Economics of Subscription Television An Anthology (1983)
- Noam, Eli. “The Political Economy of Cable Television Regulation,” Proceedings from the Tenth Annual Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, O. Gandy, et. al., eds., New York: Ablex Press (1983), pp. 137‑55.
- Noam, Eli. “Federal and State Roles in Telecommunications: The Effects of Deregulation,” Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 36, No. 4 (May 1983), pp. 949‑983.
- Noam, Eli. “Is Cable Television a Natural Monopoly?” Communications: International Journal of Communications Research, Vol. 9, No. 2‑3 (1983-84), pp. 241‑59.
- Noam, Eli. “Deregulation of Telecommunications and the Breakdown in the State‑Federal Balance,” Selected Papers of the American Business Law Association, Jan Henkel ed., Louisville, Ky. (1983), pp. 2‑22.
- Noam, Eli. “Local Distribution Monopolies in Cable Television and Telephone Service: The Scope for Competition,” Telecommunications Regulation: Today and Tomorrow, E. Noam, ed., New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (1983), pp. 351‑416.
- Noam, Eli M. A Local Regulator's Rewards for Conformity in Policy (1984)
- Noam, Eli M. American Deregulation in Telecommunications and its Implications for Western Europe (1984)
- Noam, Eli M. Economies of Scale and Regulation in CATV (1984)
- Noam, Eli M. Economies of Scale and Scope in Cable Television (1984)
- Noam, Eli M. Electronic Publishing and Information Flows: Europe and the US in Conflict (1984)
- Noam, Eli M. Market Power and Regulation: A Simultaneous Approach (1984)
- Noam, Eli M. Office Networks and Private Cable: The "New" Local Communications (1984)
- Noam, Eli M. Private Sector Monopolies: The Case of Cable Television Franchises (1984)
- Noam, Eli M. Telecommunications Policy on Two Sides of the Atlantic: Divergence and Outlook (1984)
- Noam, Eli M. The Impact of American Telecommunications Policy in Europe (1984)
- Noam, Eli. “Private Sector Monopolies: The Case of Cable Television Franchises,” Productivity and Public Policy, Marc Holzer and S. Nagel, eds., Beverly Hills: Sage Publications (1984), pp. 197‑217.
- Noam, Eli. “New Media Development in the United States and the Effect on Local Communication,” Institut fuer Film und Bild (June 1984).
- Noam, Eli. “Competitive Entry into Local Cable Transmission,” Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, V. Mosco, ed., New York: Ablex Press (1984), pp. 190‑200.
- Noam, Eli. “Economies of Scale and Regulation in CATV,” Analyzing the Impact of Regulatory Change in Public Utilities, M. Crew, ed., Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books (1984), pp. 95‑110.
- Noam, Eli. “State Versus Federal Policies and Jurisdictional Issues in Telecommunications,” Pricing Electric, Gas and Telecommunications Services: Today and for the Future, Institute for the Study of Regulation, Washington, D.C. (1984), pp. 345‑356.
- Noam, Eli. “PTTs and Transborder Data Flow,” John Ruggie, ed., The Management of Transborder Data Flows: U.S.‑Canada and Beyond, New York: Columbia University (1984), pp. 134‑141.
- Noam, Eli. “American Deregulation in Telecommunications and its Implications for Western Europe,” Le prix des nouveau Medias, Bulletin de L'Idate (Oct. 1984), pp. 281‑294.
- Noam, Eli. “The AT&T Divestiture and the Judge as the Great Compromiser,” (1984).
- Noam, Eli. “The Impact of American Telecommunications Policy in Europe,” Proceedings of the Telecommunications Research Policy Conference TPRC, (1984).
- Noam, Eli M. Monopoly and Productivity in Cable Television. (1985)
- Noam, Eli M. New Media in Their Local Context: The American Experience (1985)
- Noam, Eli M. The "New" American DBS: The Entry of Cable Television (1985)
- Noam, Eli M. The New Local Communications (1985)
- Noam, Eli M. The Rivalry Between the Traditional Media, Books, Film, and the Electronic Media (1985)
- Noam, Eli. “Electronic Publishing and Information Flows: Europe and the United States in Conflict,” Electronic Publishing Plus: Media for a Technological Future, M. Greenberger, ed., White Plains: Knowledge Industry Publications (1985), pp. 295‑306.
- Noam, Eli. “Economies of Scale in Cable Television: A Multiproduct Analysis,” Video Media Competition: Regulation, Economics, and Technology, E. Noam, ed., New York: Columbia University Press (1985), pp. 93‑120
- Noam, Eli. "DBS for Cable: Staying Alive ‑‑ Barely," in Cable T.V. and New Media, New York (Nov. 1985), pp. 1‑7.
- Noam, Eli. “The 'New' Local Communications: Office Networks and Private Cable,” Computer Law Journal, Vol. VI No. 2 (Fall 1985) pp. 247-281.
- Noam, Eli M. American Telecommunications and the Impact of Deregulation and Divestiture (1986)
- Noam, Eli M. A Public and Private Choice Model of Broadcasting (1986)
- Noam, Eli M. Preemption by the FCC (1986)
- Noam, Eli M. Private Local Networks: The Next Frontier of Competition in American Telecommunications (1986)
- Noam, Eli M. The Political Economy of ISDN: European Network Integration vs. American System Fragmentation (1986)
- Noam, Eli M. Value Added Networks in the United States (1986)
- Noam, Eli M. and Richard Kramer. Telecommunications Strategies in the Developed World: A Hundred Flower Blooming or Old Wine in New Bottles? (1996)
- Noam, Eli. “Telecommunications Policy on Both Sides of the Atlantic: Divergence and Outlook,” Marketplace for Telecommunications Regulation and Deregulation in Industrialized Democracies, M. Snow, ed., White Plains: Langman (1986), pp. 255‑274.
- Noam, Eli. “The Rivalry Between the Traditional Media, Books, Film, and the Electronic Media,” in Medientrends, Intermedia Congress Papers, Hamburg (1986), pp. 174‑234.
- Noam, Eli. “The New Local Networks,” Telecommunications and Equity: Policy Research Issues. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, James Miller, ed., Amsterdam: North Holland (1986), pp. 245‑67.
- Noam, Eli. “The 'New' American DBS: The Entry of Cable Television,” Media Law Seminars, Melbourne: LawPress (1986), pp. 94‑111.
- Noam, Eli. “The Aftermath of the AT&T Divestiture: A Status Report,” (with Michael Botein), Media Law Seminars, Melbourne: LawPress (1986), pp. 1‑25.
- Noam, Eli. “After the AT&T Divestiture: A Status Report,” (with Michael Botein), New York Law Journal, New York (February 1986).
- Noam, Eli. "Cable Productivity Likely to Slow," in Cable T.V. and New Media, New York (March, 1986) p. 8.
- Noam, Eli. “Value Added Networks and Services in the United States,” Publications of the Munich Circle (July 1986), pp. 8‑53.
- Noam, Eli M. International Telecommunications in Transition (1987)
- Noam, Eli M. History of French Telecommunications (1987)
- Noam, Eli M. Public Telecommunications Network: A Concept in Transition (1987)
- Noam, Eli M. Restructuring of Telecommunications and the Developing World (1987)
- Noam, Eli M. The Public Telecommunications Network: A Concept in Transition (1987)
- Noam, Eli. “A Public and Private-Choice Model of Broadcasting,” Public Choice, 55, Martinus Nijhoff (1987) pp. 163-187.
- Noam, Eli. “Private Local Networks: The Next Frontier of Competition in U.S. Telecom,” E. J. Mestmaecker, ed., Law and Economics of Transborder Telecom, Baden-Baden, (1987), pp. 207-230.
- Noam, Eli and Michael Botein. "The U.S. Carrier System." In Law of International Telecommunications in the United States. Stephen R. Barnett, Michael Botein and Eli M. Noam eds. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1987
- Noam, Eli and Michael Botein. "Developments in the U.S. Regulation of International Common Carriers." In Law of International Telecommunications in the United States. Stephen R. Barnett, Michael Botein and Eli M. Noam eds. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1987
- Noam, Eli and Michael Botein. "The International Impact of Domestic U.S. Restrictions on the Availability of Data." In Law of International Telecommunications in the United States. Stephen R. Barnett, Michael Botein and Eli M. Noam eds. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1987
- Noam, Eli. "The Telecommunications Network in Transition," Information Times, Vol. 6, No. 12. (October 1987) pp. 13, 15, 19.
- Noam, Eli. “Telephony Bursts out of the Mold,” International Herald Tribune, (Oct. 21, 1987), Part II, pp. 1 & 3.
- Noam, Eli. “The Impact of Market Structure and Entry Barriers on the Diversity of Television: Theory and Empiricism,” Guidelines for an Open Market Order, (Nov. 1987).
- Noam, Eli. “Broadcasting in Italy: An Overview,” The Columbia Journal of World Business, Vol. XXII, No. 3, (Fall 1987).
- Noam, Eli. "Deregulation of Telecommunications and the Theory of Clubs," Walter Bolter, editor, Federal/State Price-of-Service Regulation: Why, What and How? George Washington University (Dec. 1987), pp. 62-66.
- Noam, Eli. “Will U.S. Programming Dominate Foreign Cable Systems?” (1987).
- Noam, Eli. “The Public Telecommunications Network: A Concept in Transition,” Journal of Communication, Vol. 37, No. 1, (Winter 1987), pp. 30-48.
- Noam, Eli M. An Overview of Telecommunications in the United States of America (1988)
- Noam, Eli M. Basic Concepts for the New Television Environment (1988)
- Noam, Eli M. Der Einfluss Von Martsruktur und Eintrittsschranken auf die Vielfalt der Fernsehprogramme (1988)
- Noam, Eli M. National Culture and the Iron Law of Hollywood Dominance (1988)
- Noam, Eli M. Pluralism of Networks and Pluralism in Regulation: The Next Issues in Network Interconnection (1988)
- Noam, Eli M. The Past Five Years and the Next Five Years: A Look at the Post-Divestiture Network and the Next Regulatory Agenda (1988)
- Noam, Eli. “The Future of the Public Network: From the Star to the Matrix,” Telecommunications (March 1988) pp. 58-65,90. Also in International Edition, Vol. 22, No. 4, (April 1988), pp. 93-99, and James H. Alleman and Richard D. Emerson, edr. "Perspective on the Telephone Industry: The Challenge for the Future," Harper & Row, Ballinger Division, NY (1989), pp. 3-16.
- Noam, Eli. “Implementing ONA: Federal-State Partnership Needed to Connect Network of Networks,” Communications Week, 194, (May 2, 1988), p. 15.
- Noam, Eli. “BSEs? BSAs? Federal-State Teamwork is Key to Juggling ONA Issues,” Communications Week, 195, (May 9, 1988), pp. 17, 48.
- Noam, Eli. “ONA: The Need for Partnership,” Testimony to the Communications Subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation (July 15, 1988).
- Noam, Eli. “New Developments in Telecommunications Services,” Dorothy I. Riddle, ed., in Information Economy and Development, Bonn: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, (1988), pp. 34-43.
- Noam, Eli. “Der Einfluss von Marktstruktur und Eintrittsschranken auf die Vielfalt der Fernsehprogramme,” E. J. Mestmaecker, ed., Offene Rundfunkordnung: Prinzipien für den Wettwerb im grenzüberschreitenden Rundfunk, Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, (1988), pp. 199-221.
- Noam, Eli. “Services et Reseaux a Valeur Ajoutee aux Etats-Unis,” in G. Dang Nguyen, ed., Le Communicateur, "Services a valeur ajoutee: mythes et realites," (Dec. 6, 1988), pp. 185-209.
- Noam, Eli. “Filing and Review of Open Network Architecture Plans,” CC Docket No. 88-2 Phase I, Filing by Commissioner Noam Before the Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C., (April 1988), 28 pp.
- Noam, Eli. “ONA: The Need for Partnership,” NR Hearing Modified Final Judgement, Hearings of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Senate Hearing 100-510, Part 2, (July 14, 1988), pp. 178-198.
- Noam, Eli. “Is Telecom Liberalization an Expansionary Process,” Communications in the Nineties, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference, IDATE, France, (Nov. 1988), pp. 7-15.
- Noam, Eli. “Die Entwicklungsstufen der Telekommunikation in den Vereinigten Staaten seit der Entflechtung von AT&T,” ZPF (December 1988) pp. 4-16.
- Noam, Eli M. Beyond Unbundling (1989)
- Noam, Eli M. Broadbanding the Last 15 Inches and the regulation of information Screening (1989)
- Noam, Eli M. The Quality of Regulation in Regulation Quality: A Proposal for an Integrated Incentive Approach to Telephone Service Performance (1989)
- Cass, Ronald A. and Eli M. Noam. Services Trade and Services Regulation in the United States (1989)
- Noam, Eli. “International Telecommunications in Transition,” Robert Crandall and Kenneth Flamm, ed., Changing the Rules: Technological Change in International Competition and Regulation in Communications, Brookings Institute, Washington, D.C., (1989), pp. 257-297.
- Noam, Eli. “The Cost of Libel: Introduction,” with Everette E. Dennis, Columbia University Press (1989)
- Noam, Eli. “Network Pluralism and Regulatory Pluralism,” Paula B. Newberg, ed., New Directions in Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 1, Duke University Press, (1989) pp. 66-91.
- Noam, Eli. “Toward a Common Law of Telecom,” Testimony before the German Parliamentary Committee on Telecommunications, (March 18, 1989), pp. 123-126.
- Noam, Eli. “Emerging Technology and the Potential for New Services,” Proceedings of the University of Utah Conference on Telecommunications, Salt Lake City, Utah,(Jan. 1989), pp. 20-24.
- Noam, Eli. “El Futuro De La Reglamentacion De Las Telecommunicaciones,” Obdulio Martin Bernal, ed. Telecommunicaciones 1989/ Tendencias, Fundesco, Madrid, Spain, (1989), pp. 45-52.
- Noam, Eli. “Common Carriage Principles in the New Telecommunications Environment,” 101st NARUC Annual Convention Proceedings, Boston, Massachusetts, (1989), pp. 97-102.
- Noam, Eli M. Broadcasting in Italy An Overview (1990)
- Noam, Eli M. Direct Satellite Broadcasting (1990)
- Noam, Eli M. Finland (1990)
- Noam, Eli M. Germany: Reform Efforts (1990)
- Noam, Eli M. Netherlands (1990)
- Noam, Eli M. Rural Telecommunications from an Urban Perspective (1990)
- Noam, Eli M. Sweden (1990)
- Noam, Eli M. Telecommunications in Ireland (1990)
- Noam, Eli M. Telecommunications in Portugal (1990)
- Noam, Eli M. Telecommunications in Spain (1990)
- Noam, Eli M. Television in Denmark (1990)
- Noam, Eli M. Television in France (1990)
- Noam, Eli M. Television in Germany (1990)
- Noam, Eli M. Television in Portugal (1990)
- Noam, Eli M. Television in Spain (1990)
- Noam, Eli M. Television in the United Kingdom (1990)
- Noam, Eli M. The Last Bottlenecks in Communications (1990)
- Noam, Eli M. The Last Bottlenecks in Communications: First Ithiel de Sola Pool Memorial Lecture (1990)
- Noam, Eli M. United Kingdom: ITV (1990)
- Noam, Eli M. and Ronald A. Cass. The Economics and Politics of Trade in Services: A United States Perspective (1990)
- Noam, Eli M. and Micahel Botein. U.S. Restrictions on International Data Transmission by Telecommunications Networks (1990)
- Noam, Eli. “The Historic Evolution of the Network System: Past Change, Present Impact, and Future Policy,” Schaff, S., ed., Legal and Economic Aspects of Telecommunications, (1990), pp. 461-477.
- Noam, Eli. “International Telecommunications Services: The Emerging Asymmetry Across the Atlantic and Comparisons of Performance,” (1990) pp. 651-678.
- Noam, Eli. “The Quality of Regulation in Regulating Quality: A Proposal for an Integrated Incentive Approach to Telephone Service Performance,” Michael A. Einhorn, ed., Price Caps and Incentive Regulation in the Telecommunications Industry, Kluwer Academic, Nowell, MA, (1990), pp. 167-190.
- Noam, Eli. “Telecom Privacy Policy Elements,” Transnational Data and Communications Report, (March 1990), p. 9.
- Noam, Eli. “Data Protection, Computer, and Changing Information Practices,” Hearings of the U.S. House Subcommittee on Information, to Establish Data Protection Board, Committee on Government Operations, U.S. House of Representatives, 101st Congress, (May 16, 1990), pp. 130-138.
- Noam, Eli. “Report on Bolivian Telecommunications and Entel,” with Bruce Egan and Douglas Conn, (November 1990).
- Noam, Eli. “The Economics and Politics of Trade in Services: A United States Perspective,” with Ron Cass, in D. Friedman and E.J. Mestmaecker, Rules for Free International Trade in Services, Nomos, (1990), pp. 43-87.
- Noam, Eli. “U.S. Restrictions on International Data Transmission by Telecommunications Networks.” With Michael Botein. 1990.
- Noam, Eli. “Economists' Perspectives on Antitrust Today: Telecommunications Panel,” Antitrust Issues in Regulated Industries, Charles River Associates (December 6, 1990) pp. 117-123, Q&A 125-131.
- Noam, Eli M. Into the Third Century of Free Speech (1991)
- Noam, Eli M. ISDN in Perspective (1991)
- Noam, Eli M. Regulatory Priorities for the Information Age (1991)
- Noam, Eli M. Video Dial Tone - Will Anyone Come to a Common Carriage Party (1991)
- Noam, Eli. “The FCC as the National Systems-Integrator: The New Paradigm for the 90s,” Statement before the FCC and submitted, Networks of the Future "Policy Implications- Challenges and Risks" (May 1, 1991).
- Noam, Eli. “Toward the Pluralistic Network of the Future,” Siemens Review, (September/October 1991), pp. 4-8.
- Noam, Eli. Network Reliability and Regulatory Oversight, Hearing of the Subcommittee on Government Information, Justice, and Agriculture, U.S. House of Representatives, (October 2, 1991).
- Noam, Eli. “Private Networks and Public Objectives,” The Aspen Institute Quarterly, (Winter 1992), pp. 106-136, also printed in: Universal Telephone Service: Ready for the 21st Century, Institute for Information Studies, (1991), pp. 1-27.
- Noam, Eli. “Network Integration versus Network Segmentation,” Martin Elton, ed., Integrated Broadband Networks, Elsevier (1991) pp. 135-146.
- Noam, Eli. “Network Environments of the Future: Reconciling Free Speech and Freedom of Association,” The First Conference on Computers Freedom and Privacy, (1991), pp. 65-73.
- Noam, Eli. “Private Networks and Public Objectives,” Universal Telephone Service Ready for the 21st Century?, Institute for Information Studies (1991) pp. 1-27.
- Noam, Eli. “Issues of International Trade,” After the Break Up: Assessing the New Post-AT&T Divestiture Era, ed. Barry G. Cole (1991)
- Noam, Eli. “The Superstructure of Infrastructure: Thinking about a Future without a Public Network, or Principles for the Communications Act of 2034”, MIT Symposium, Building the Information Marketplace, October 1991.
- Noam, Eli. “Network Tipping and the Tragedy of the Common Network: A Theory for the Formation and Breakdown of Public Telecommunications Systems,” Communications & Strategies (Spring 1991) pp. 43-72.
- Noam, Eli. “The Impact of the AT&T Divestiture on U.S. Trade,” Barry Cole, ed., Divestiture Plus Five, Columbia University Press (1991) pp. 444-451.
- Noam, Eli. “Video Dial Tone - Will Anyone Come to a Common Carriage Party,” Proceedings, 6th Conference on New Directions for State Telecommunications Regulations, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, (February 1991) pp. 20-24.
- Noam, Eli. "The Quality of Regulation in Regulating Quality: A Proposal for an Integrated Incentive Approach to Telephone Service Performance." In Price Caps and Incentive Regulation in Telecommunications. Michael A. Einhorn eds. Kluwer, 1991
- Noam, Eli M. State Regulation and Upgrading ISDN (1992)
- Noam, Eli M. Telecommunications in Italy (1992)
- Noam, Eli M. The British Broadcasting Corporation (1992)
- Noam, Eli M. The Efforts at European Integration (1992)
- Noam, Eli M. The Establishment of Cable Television in Britain (1992)
- Noam, Eli M. The Establishment of French Private Television (1992)
- Noam, Eli M. The Three Stages of Network Evolution (1992)
- Noam, Eli M. Why Networks Change: A Theory of Network Evolution (1992)
- Noam, Eli. “A Theory for the Instability of Public Telecommunications Systems,” Cristiano Antonelli, ed., The Economics of Information Networks, Elsevier (1992) pp. 107-128.
- Noam, Eli. “Demand-Side Telecommunications Analysis,” Harvey Sapolsky, ed., The Telecommunications Revolution: Past, Present and Future, Routledge (1992) pp. 6-10.
- Noam, Eli. “Privacy bei Telekommunikationsdiensten,” Critical Yearbook of Telecommunications (1992), pp. 112-135.
- Noam, Eli. “From Liberalization to Open Networks: A Review of Open Network Architecture and the Evolution of Telecommunication Policy in the United States,” Report (December 1992)
- Noam, Eli. “ISDN in Perspective,” Japan's ISDN Revolution, Telephony, (1992), pp. 1-12.
- Noam, Eli. “Telecommunications without a Public Network: Seven Steps on the Road Toward the Ethereal Network,” Institute of Public Utilities Journal (1992).
- Noam, Eli. “Telecommunications Strategies in the Developed World: Hundred Flowers Blooming or Old Wine in New Bottles,” in Charles Steinfeld, ed., Telecommunications Policy in Europe: Changing Institutions, Policies, and Technologies, Sage, (1992).
- Noam, Eli. “Media Americanization, National Culture, and Forces of Integration,” in The International Market in Film and Television Programs, Eli Noam, co-ed., Ablex, (1992) pp. 41-58
- Noam, Eli. “Is Telecommunications Liberalization an Expansionary Process?” in Asymmetric Deregulations. Eli Noam, co-ed., Ablex, (1992) pp. 7-16
- Noam, Eli. "Beyond the Golden Age of the Public Network." In The Telecommunications Revolution: Past, Present, and Future. Harvey M. Sapolsky, Rhonda J. Crane, W. Russel Neuman & Eli M. Noam eds. Routledge, 1992
- Noam, Eli M. Technological Transformation and Innovation: The Development of the new Communications Order (1993)
- Noam, Eli M. The Impending Doom of Common Carriage (1993)
- Noam, Eli M. Thinking About a Wireless Future The Social Implications of Mobile Communications (1993)
- Noam, Eli M. Telecommunications Without a Public Network: Deregulation and the Communications Act of 2034 (1993)
- Noll, A. Michael. A Study of Long Distance Rates Divestiture Revisited (1993)
- Noam, Eli. “Overcoming the Last Communications Bottleneck,” Optics and Photonics News (1993), pp. 23-25
- Noam, Eli. “Technological Transformation and Innovation: The Development of the New Communications Order,” International Review of Comparative Public Policy, Vol. 5 (1993), pp. 1-15.
- Noam, Eli. “From the Network of Networks to the System of Systems: An End of History in Telecommunications Regulation?” CATO Review of Business and Government, Regulation no. 2 (1993) pp. 26-33.
- Noam, Eli. “Recovering Network Subsidies Without Distortion,” with Michael Einhorn, (1993).
- Noam, Eli. “Reforming the Financial Support System for Universal Service, Telecommunications,” Forum Report, The Eighth Annual Aspen Conference on Telecommunications Policy (August, 1993) pp. 23-34.
- Noam, Eli. "Divestiture Plus V and the Coming Regulatory Agenda," Harry Trebing, ed., New Regulatory Concepts, Issues, and Controversies (1993) pp. 65-70.
- Noam, Eli. “Reconnecting Communications Studies With Communications Policy,” Journal of Communications, Vol. 43, No.3 (Summer 1993) pp. 199-206.
- Noam, Eli. “NetTrans Accounts: Reforming the Financial Support System for Universal Service in Telecommunications,” (November 1993).
- Noam, Eli. “Assessing the Impacts of Divestiture and Deregulation in Telecommunications,” Southern Economic Association Journal, Vol. 59, Num. 3, (1993), pp. 438-448.
- Noam, Eli. “Economic Theories of Regulation in Telecommunications,” with John Wenders. The Encyclopedia of Telecommunications, Froehlick/Kent, Vol. 6 (1993) pp. 417-426.
- Noam, Eli. "Media Americanization, National Culture, and Forces of Integration." In The International Market for Film and Television Programs. Joel C. Millonzi & Eli M. Noam eds. Ablex, 1993
- Noam, Eli M. Beyond Liberalization From the Network of Networks to the System of Systems (1994)
- Noam, Eli M. Beyond Liberalization II The Impending Doom of Common Carriage (1994)
- Noam, Eli M. Beyond Liberalization Past Performance Present Hype and Future Direction (1994)
- Noam, Eli M. Beyond Liberalization III Reforming Universal Service (1994)
- Noam, Eli M. Beyond Territorality Economics and Politics in Telesociety (1994)
- Noam, Eli M. Can Markets Generate Privacy in Telecommunications? (1994)
- Noam, Eli M. Implementing ONA: Problems and a Framework for Their Resolution (1994)
- Noam, Eli. M. "Is Telecom Liberalization an Expansionary Process?" In Asymmetric Deregulation: The Dynamics of Telecommunications Policy in Europe and the United States. Eli M. Noam and Gerard Pogorel eds. Ablex, 1994
- Noam, Eli M. Liberalization of Telecommunications in the U.S., Europe and Japan (1994)
- Noam, Eli M. NetTrans Accounts: Reforming the Financial Support System for Universal Service in Telecommunications (1994)
- Noam, Eli M. Policy Implications for Citizen Information Services (1994)
- Noam, Eli M. Reforming the Financial Support System for Universal Service in Telecommunications (1994)
- Noam, Eli M. Social Implications of Advance Communications (1994)
- Noam, Eli M. Telecommunications Reforms at the Periphery: Role Models or Followers? (1994)
- Noam, Eli M. The Impact of Competition on Television's Public Interest Performance (1994)
- Noam, Eli M. The Superstructure of Infrastructure: Principles for a Future Without a Public Network (1994)
- Noam, Eli M. Towards the Pluralistic Network of the Future (1994)
- Noam, Eli M. The Stages of Television: From Multi-Channel Television to Me-TV (1994)
- Noam, Eli. “10 Years After Bell’s Breakup. The Split-Up Worked. No It Didn’t.” New York Times Viewpoint, (January 23, 1994).
- Noam, Eli. “Create a Corporation for Public Network Applications: Beyond the Information Superhighway,” 20/20 Vision: The Development of a National Information Infrastructure, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (March 1994), pp. 161-163.
- Noam, Eli. “Direct Foreign Investment in Telecommunications: Comments,” The Race to European Eminence, eds. E. Bohlin and O. Granstrand, Elsevier (1994) pp. 365-367.
- Noam, Eli. “Telecommunications Reforms at the Periphery: Role Models or Followers?” (October 1994).
- Noam, Eli. “The Stages of Television: From Multi-Channel Television to the Me-Channel,” Contamine, Clalude, & van Dusseldorp, Monique, eds., European Institute for the Media, (10-12 Nov. 1994), pp. 49-58.
- Noam, Eli. “Beyond Liberalization: From the Network of Networks to the System of Systems,” Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 18, No.4, (1994), pp. 286-294.
- Noam, Eli. “Beyond Liberalization II: The Impending Doom of Common Carriage,” Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 18, No. 6, (1994), pp. 435-452.
- Noam, Eli. “Beyond Liberalization III: Reforming Universal Service,” Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 18, No. 9, (1994), pp. 687-704.
- Noam, Eli. “Social Responsibility of Television in the United States,” Carl Bertelsmann Award 1994; European Institute for the Media, Responsibilities of Television Toward Society, (April 1994), pp. 391-415.
- Noam, Eli. “Reforming the Financial Support System for Universal Service in Telecommunications,” Hearings of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. (May 18, 1994) pp. 705-722.
- Noam, Eli. “The Three Stages of Network Evolution,” in Telecommunications in the Pacific Basin. Eli Noam, co-ed., Oxford University, (1994) pp. 17-31.
- Noam, Eli. “Policy Implications for Citizen Information Services,” with Charles Ferris and Everette Parker, in The People’s Right to Know: Media Democracy and the Information Highway, eds. Frederick Williams & John Pavlik, Erlbaum (1994).
- Noam, Eli. “The United States,” E. Noam and S. Komatsusake, eds., Telecommunications in the Pacific Basin (1994), pp. 473-490.
- Noam, Eli. “Principles for the Communications Act of 2034: The Superstructure of Infrastructure,” FCC Law Journal, Vol. 47, no. (December 1994) pp. 317-323.
- Noam, Eli. “Freedom of Expression and the 1992 Cable Act: An Introduction,” Hastings Communication and Entertainment Law Journal, Vol. 17, no. 1 (1994-1995) pp. 1-16.
- Noam, Eli M. Telecommunications and Economic Development in the New York-New England Region (1995)
- Noam, Eli M. Testimony on Foreign Ownership Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on SR-253 (1995)
- Noam, Eli M. Testimony on Radio Spectrum Allocations and Valuation Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation (1995)
- Noam, Eli M. The Future of Television (1995)
- Noam, Eli M. The Three Stages of Television (1995)
- Noam, Eli M. Visions of the Media Age: Taming the Information Monster (1995)
- Noam, Eli. “The Federal-State Friction Built into the 1934 Act and Options for Reform,” in P. Teske, ed., American Regulatory Federalism & Telecommunications Infrastructure, (1995), pp. 113-121.
- Noam, Eli. “Die Entwicklungsstufen des Fernsehens,” Bertelsmann Stiftung (January 1995) pp. 15-28.
- Noam, Eli. “Protectionism, Unilateral Disarmament, or Reciprocal Morass: Options for Reform of Foreign Ownership Rules in Communications,” Hearings of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on SR-253, the U.S. Government Printing Office, (March 21, 1995), pp. 35-40.
- Noam, Eli. “The Next Future of Telecommunications: From the Network of Networks to the System of Systems,” The Future of Telecommunications Policy in Canada (April 1995) pp. 385-401.
- Noam, Eli. “Yesterday's Deregulation for Tomorrow's Information,” (May 1995).
- Noam, Eli. Testimony on Radio Spectrum Allocations and Valuation, Hearing on Spectrum Reform of the Committee on Commerce, Science, Transportation, the U.S. Government Printing Office, (July 27, 1995), pp.94-98.
- Noam, Eli. “Beyond Telecommunications Liberalization: Past Performance, Present Hype, and Future Direction,” Drake, William, The New Information Infrastructure, Twentieth Century Fund Press, New York (1995), pp. 31-54.
- Noam, Eli. “The Impact of Competition on Television's Public Interest Performance in the USA,” Television Requires Responsibility, ed. Bertelsmann Foundation and European Institute for the Media, Bertelsmann Foundation (1995).
- Noam, Eli. “Television Self-Regulation and Ownership Regulation; The American Experience: Introduction,” with Lisa Domonkos, Cardoza Arts & Entertainment Journal, Vol. 13, no. 3 (1995) pp. 645-656.Noam, Eli.
- Noam, Eli. “Visions of the Media Age: Taming the Information Monster,” Alfred Herrnhausen Society for International Dialogue, Multimedia: A Revolutionary Challenge, Schaffer-Poeschel Verlag Stuttgart, Frankfurt am Main (1995), pp. 17-45.
- Noam, Eli. “Die Potentiale des Marktes nutzen: Amerikanische Erfahrungen,” Fernsehen Bedarf der Verantwortung. Bertelsmann Stiftung, Band 1. (1995).
- Noam, Eli. “Privacy in Telecommunications, Part I,” New Telecommunications Quarterly, Vol.3, Issue 2, (September 1995) pp. 51-59.
- Noam, Eli. “Privacy in Telecommunications, Part II,” New Telecommunications Quarterly, Vol.3, Issue 3, (October 1995) pp. 52-69.
- Noam, Eli. “Electronics and the Dim Future of the University,” Science Magazine Vol. 270, No. 5234, (Oct. 13, 1995) pp. 247-249.
- Noam, Eli. “Breakups Part of Industry Cycle,” ComWeek International, (October 1995), pp. 13.
- Noam, Eli. “Privacy in Telecommunications, Part III,” New Telecommunications Quarterly, Vol. 3, Issue 4, (November 1995), pp. 51-60.
- Noam, Eli. “Kobe's Lesson: Dial 711 for 'Open' Emergency Communications,” with Harumaso Sato, Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 19, Num. 8, (November 1995), pp. 595-599.
- Noam, Eli. “From the Network of Networks to the System of Systems,” Meheroo Jussawalla ed., Telecommunications: A Bridge to the 21st Century, Elsevier (1995), pp. 25-37.
- Noam, Eli. “Taking the Next Step Beyond Spectrum Auctions: Open Spectrum Access,” IEEE Communications Magazine, (December 1995), pp. 66-73.
- Noam, Eli M. Media Concentration in the United States: Industry Trends and Regulatory Responses. (1996)
- Noam, Eli. “The Airwaves as a Toll Road,” The New York Times - Viewpoint, (February 11, 1996).
- Noam, Eli. “Media Regulation - New Rules for New Times,” Nancy J. Woodhull, ed., Media Studies Journal Vol. 10, No. 2-3, (Spring/Summer 1996) pp. 39-47.
- Noam, Eli. “Eli Noam on the Future of the University,” Educom Review Vol. 31, no. 4 (July/August 1996).
- Noam, Eli. “Media Concentration in the United States: Industry Trends and Regulatory Responses,” Communications & Strategies, Vol. 24, (4th Quarter 1996) pp. 11-23.
- Noam, Eli. “Supra-national Regulation for Supra-national Telecommunications Carriers?” with Anjali Singhal. Telecommunications Policy Vol. 29, No. 10, (1996) pp. 769-787.
- Noam, Eli. “Kobe’s Lesson: Dial 711 for Open Communications,” with Harumaso Sato, Science Vol.274, No. 5288 (Nov. 1, 1996) pp.739-740.
- Noam, Eli. “Congress Sweeps it All Under One Big Top,” Los Angeles Times, (Feb. 1996). Reprinted in The Times Union (1996) pp. A7.
- Noam, Eli. “Keeping the Local Lines Open: The Real Threat in the NYNEX- Bell Atlantic Merger,” The New York Times Vol. 19, No. 19, (1996) pp.5.
- Noam, Eli. “The Revolution in Access Control: Market for Electronic Privacy,” Proceedings of the Second Aspen Summit on the Future of the Information Society, Progress and Freedom Foundation, (August 1996).
- Noam, Eli. "The Tragedy of the Common Network: Theory for the Formation and Breakdown of Public Telecommunications." In Private Networks and Public Objectives. Eli M. Noam & Aine NíShúilleabháin eds. Elsevier, 1996
- Noam, Eli. "Beyond Liberalization: From the Network of Networks to the System of Systems." In Private Networks and Public Objectives. Eli M. Noam & Aine NíShúilleabháin eds. Elsevier, 1996
- Noam, Eli M. Beyond Spectrum Auctions (1997)
- Noam, Eli M. Future of the Media -- Media of the Future (1997)
- Noam, Eli. “Why Go to College to Learn?” In Trust, Vol. 8, No.2 (Jan. 1997) pp.21-23
- Noam, Eli. “Why the Internet will be Regulated,” Educom Review Vol. 32, no. 5 (September/October 1997)
- Noam, Eli. “MCI’s Risky Deal,” The New York Times (Nov. 6, 1996)
- Noam, Eli. “Systemic Bottlenecks in the Information Society,” European Communication Council Yearbook, Exploring the Limits: Europe’s Changing Communications Environment, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, (1997), pp. 35-44
- Noam, Eli. "Die individuelle Fernseh Zukunft: Der Ich-Kanal”, Bertelsmann Briefe, Heft 137, Frühling/Sommer, (1997) pp. 51-53
- Noam, Eli. “Will Universal Service and Common Carriage Survive the Telecommunications Act of 1996?” Columbia Law Review. Vol. 97, No. 4 (May 1997) pp. 955-975
- Noam, Eli. “An Unfettered Internet? Keep Dreaming,” The New York Times, Vol. CXLVI, No. 50, 850, July 11, 1997
- Noam, Eli. “Beyond Spectrum Auctions: Taking the next step to open spectrum access.” Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 21, No. 5, Elsevier Science 1997, pp. 461-475
- Noam, Eli. “The WTO Deal on Basic Telecommunications: Big Bang or Little Whimper?” With William Drake. Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 21, No. 9-10, Elsevier Science 1997, pp. 799-818
- Noam, Eli. “Interconnecting the Network of Networks,” in Adolfo Costilla, Telecommunications Reform, Madrid, 1997, p. 21
- Noam, Eli. “Regulation and Deregulation of the Internet,” Academy for the Third Millennium Conference, Munich, 1997
- Noam, Eli. "Reforming Universal Service: A Prerequisite to Competition and Interconnection." In Globalism and Localism in Telecommunications. Eli M. Noam and A. J. Wolfson eds. Elsevier Science Publishers, 1997
- Noam, Eli & Alex Wolfson. "Introduction: The End of Territoriality in Communications." In Globalism and Localism in Telecommunications. Eli M. Noam and A. J. Wolfson eds. Elsevier Science Publishers, 1997
- Noam, Eli. “The WTO Deal on Basic Telecommunications: Big Bang or Little Whimper?” Journal of the Institute for International Economics. Winter 1998, pp. 27-61.
- Noam, Eli. “The Media Monopoly and Other Myths,” with Robert Freeman. Television Quarterly. 1998, pp.18-23
- Noam, Eli. “Electronics and the Future of the Research Library,” Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science. Baltimore, Maryland, 1998
- Noam, Eli. “Public Interest Programming in American Television,” in Eli Noam, ed., Public Television in America. Bertelsmann Foundation Publishers, 1998, pp. 145-175
- Noam, Eli. “Will Books Become the Dumb Medium,” Educom Review. March/April 1998, pp. 18-24
- Noam, Eli. “Spectrum Auctions: Yesterdays Heresy, Today’s Orthodoxy, Tomorrow’s Anachronism.” Journal of Law and Economics, December 1998. pp. 765-790
- Noam, Eli. “The Future of the Library,” with Caterina Alvarez, Bulletin: Business and Finance Division Special Libraries Association no. 107, (Winter 1998) pp. 29-32
- Noam, Eli. “Will Books Become the Dumb Medium?” Virginia Issues & Answers Vol. 5, no. 2 (December 1998) pp. 2-8
- Noam, Eli. “Beyond Auctions: Open Spectrum Access,” Regulators’ Revenge: The Future of Telecommunications Deregulation, CATO Institute: Washington, DC, 1998, pp. 113-122
- Noam, Eli. “The Dim Future of the Book,” info: the journal of policy, regulation and strategy for telecommunications, information and media, vol.1, no.1, February 1999.
- Noam, Eli. “The Coming of Cyber-Trade Wars,” Global Electronic Commerce, January 1999, pp. 37-40.
- Noam, Eli. “Electronics and the Decline of Books: The Transformation of the Classroom,” pp. 29-31.
- Noam, Eli. “Digitaler Schwindler.” Medien, DieWoche, Issue No. 27, July 2, 1999, p. 48
- Noam, Eli. “Information and Communications Policy Research—More Important, More Neglected,” The Information Resources Policy Handbook, Benjamin Compaine, ed., William Read, July 1999
- Noam, Eli. “Real Options, False Choices: A Final Word,” in The New Investment Theory of Real Options and its Implications for Telecommunications Economics, co-ed. With James Alleman, Kluwer Academic (1999) pp. 255-260.
- Noam, Eli. “Technology’s Transformation of the University,” Mission Management: A New Synthesis, ed. Roger Bulger, Association of Academic Health Centers (1999) pp. 23-31.
- Noam, Eli. “El Futuro de las Redes y el Futuro de la Regulacíon,” III Conferencia Internacional de Telecomunicaciones, Comision de Regulacion de Telecomunicaciones, Republica de Colombia, Competencia y Mercado: Realidad y Futuro, Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia: Universidad de la Sabana, 1999, trans. Esperanza Ruiz
- Noam, Eli. "Public-Interest Programming by American Commercial Television." In Public Television in America. Eli Noam & Jens Walterman eds. Bertelsman Stiftung, 1999
- Noam, Eli. “The Future of Telecommunications, the Future of Telecommunications Regulations,” Hastings Law Review, 50, January 2000, pp. 1-6
- Noam, Eli. “Global Warning,” Hermes, Columbia Business School, New York, pp.16-18. Spring 2000
- Noam, Eli. “Digital Convergence and the Next Cyber Trade-Wars,” Communications & Strategies, 2000.
- Noam, Eli. “A Conversation with Eli Noam,” edited commentary, Ubiquity (2000).
- Noam, Eli. “Anarchie in den Netzen? Regulierung und Deregulierung des Internet,” in Wolfgang R. Langenbucher Elektronische Medien, Gesellschaft und Demokratie Wilhelm Braumüller, Wien (2000), pp 199-207.
- Noam, Eli. “Four Convergence and a Trade Funeral?” in E. Bohlin, K. Brodin, A. Lundgren and B. Thorngren (eds), Convergence in Communications and Beyond, North-Holand, Elsevir (2000), pp. 405-410.
- Noam, Eli. “Straining Communications Systems to the Limit,” The New York Times, September 24, 2001, page 4, column 1.
- Noam, Eli. “Internetfernsehen – Mehr als nur Video-on-Demand?,” Bertelsmann Briefe, Summer 2001, pp. 26-31.
- Noam, Eli. “Brands in the Digital Economy: From Centralism to Federalism,” with Valerie Feldmann, in Schoenberger, A./Stilcken, R. (Eds.): Faszination Marke. Neue Herausforderungen an Markengestaltung und Markenpflege im digitalen Zeitalter, Neuwied: Luchterhand: pp. 151-156. 2001.
- Noam, Eli. “i-Mode in Japan: Success of the Past or Success of the Future?” Corporate Japan: The Beginning of a New Era? Japan Society Conference Report, Columbia Business School, March 2001.
- Noam, Eli. “Promoting Investor Confidence, Imposing Gridlock,” with Robert C. Atkinson. The Telecommunications Act at 5, New Millennium Research (2001) pp. 5-7.
- Noam, Eli. “Interconnection Policy,” in Handbook of Telecommunications Economics Volume I, pp. 387-423, North-Holland, 2002.
- Noam, Eli. “Internet is slecht voor de democratie,” in NRC Handelsblad, Netherlands, September 2002.
- Noam, Eli. “Opening the ‘Walled Airwave’,” in R. Entman, Telecommunications Competition in a Consolidating Marketplace, The Aspen Institute (2002), pp. 35-55.
- Noam, Eli. “The Three Digital Divides,” The Financial Times, October 31, 2002.
- Noam, Eli. “The Web is Bad for Democracy,” The Financial Times, August 28, 2002.
- Noam, Eli. “Too Weak to Compete,” The Financial Times, July 28, 2002.
- Noam, Eli. “Regulating in Order to Deregulate,” The Financial Times, May 22, 2002.
- Noam, Eli. Broadband: Bringing Home the Bits, National Academy of Sciences Report, Board member and report contributor. 336 pp., National Academy Press, January 2002.
- Noam, Eli. “Two Cheers for the Commodification of Information,” N. Elkin-Koren and N.W. Netanel (eds.), The Commodification of Information, 2002, pp. 43-59
- Noam, Eli. “How to Cope with the New Volatility,” America’s Networks. October 1, 2003.
- Noam, Eli. “Let them Eat Megabits,” The Financial Times, November 25, 2003.
- Noam, Eli. “The Media Concentration Debate,” The Financial Times, July 31, 2003.
- Noam, Eli. “The Fourth Way for Spectrum,” The Financial Times, May 29, 2003.
- Noam, Eli. “The Third Way for Spectrum,” The Financial Times, March 13, 2003.
- Noam, Eli. “Will Internet TV be American?” in Trends in Communications, London, 2003.
- Noam, Eli. “The Internet: Still Wide Open and Competitive?” in Oxford Internet Issues Review no. 1, 10 pp., August 2003.
- Noam, Eli. “The Effect of Deregulation on Market Concentration,” Science and Technology Law Review Vol. IV, 2003.
- Noam, Eli. “The Bursting of the Deregulation Bubble,” The Financial Times online, January 8, 2003.
- Noam, Eli. “Media Concentration Trends in America: Just the Facts,” Submission, Federal Communications Commission’s proceedings on Media Ownership, January 2003.
- Noam, Eli. “Into the New New Economy: Old Models and New Tools,” German Economic Forum, Report Volume, 2003.
- Noam, Eli. “Entrepreneurship and Government in Telecommunications,” in David Hart, The Emergence of Entrepreneurship Policy, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
- Noam, Eli. “Corporate and Regulatory Strategy for the New Network Century,” in World Telecommunications Markets: The International Handbook of Telecommunications Economics, ed. Gary Madden, Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham, UK, 2003, pp. 1-11.
- Noam, Eli. "The Next Frontier for Openness: Wireless Communications." In Competition for the Mobile Internet. Dan Steinbock and Eli Noam eds. Artech, 2003
- Noam, Eli. “Heroes of the Internet Frontier,” The Financial Times, December 16, 2004.
- Noam, Eli. “How to Measure Media Concentration,” The Financial Times, August 30, 2004.
- Noam, Eli. “Why Long Distance Could Soon Be a Bad Call,” The Financial Times, May 19, 2004.
- Noam, Eli. “Market Failure in the Media Sector,” The Financial Times, February 16, 2004.
- Noam, Eli. “Road to Ruin: We’ve got our information superhighway, but can we live with what’s coming down with the pike?” Wired Magazine, May 2004.
- Noam, Eli. “What the World Trade Center Attack has Shown us About our Communications Network,” in Global Economy and Digital Society, Erik Bohlin, Stanford L. Levin, Nakil Sung, Chang-Ho Yoon, eds., Elsevier, 2004.
- Noam, Eli. “The Emerging Cyclicality of the Telecom Industry,” in Global Economy and Digital Society, Erik Bohlin, Stanford L. Levin, Nakil Sung, Chang-Ho Yoon, eds., Elsevier, 2004.
- Noam, Eli. “The Next Frontier for Openness: Wireless Communications,” in Competition for the Mobile Internet, eds. Dan Steinbock and Eli Noam, pp. 21-38, Kluwer, 2004.
- Noam, Eli. “Broadband in America,” in Jörg Eberspächer and Hans-Peter Quadt, Broadband Perspectives, Springer 2004.
- Noam, Eli. “Telecommunications: From Utility to Volatility,” Utilities Policy, Vol. 12, No. 1, March 2004.
- Noam, Eli. “Television over the Internet: an Introduction,” in Eli Noam et al., eds., Internet Television, co-editor, 249 pp., Erlbaum, 2004.
- Noam, Eli. “Will Internet-TV be American?” in Eli Noam et al., eds., Internet Television, 249 pp., Erlbaum, 2004.
- Noam, Eli. “Overcoming the Three Digital Divides,” in Damien Geradin, David Luff, eds. in The WTO and Global Convergence Telecommunications and Audio-Visual Services, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
- Noam, Eli. “Interview with Prof. Eli Noam.” Communications & Strategies, no. 60, 4th Quarter, p. 149.
- Noam, Eli. "Why the Internet Bad for Democracy," Communications of the ACM, Vol 48, No. 10, October 2005
- Noam, Eli. “The Internet’s Third Wave,” The Financial Times, November 28, 2005
- Noam, Eli. "A dim future for consumer electronics?" The Financial Times, March 10, 2005
- Noam, Eli. "A company’s tools can define its structure," The Financial Times, May 19, 2005
- Noam, Eli. "An ‘arms race’ no one can stop," The Financial Times, September 25, 2005
- Noam, Eli. "Bad news for news," The Financial Times, July 14, 2005
- Noam, Eli. "Deregulation and Market Concentration: an Analysis of Post-1996 Consolidations," Federal Communications Law Journal, Vol. 58, June 2006, p. 539.
- Noam, Eli. "Fundamental Instability: Why Telecom is Becoming a Cyclical and Oligopolistic Industry," Information Economics and Policy, Volume 18, Issue 3, September 2006, Pages 272-284
- Noam, Eli. "Media Scholars as Activists: Media De-Concentration as Social Reform?" Tulsa Law Review, Summer 2006
- Noam, Eli. "Smart Homes," Global Agenda, World Economic Forum (January 2006), pp. 194-5
- Noam, Eli. "Moore’s Law at risk from industry of delay," The Financial Times, January 19, 2006
- Noam, Eli. "Broadbandwagons at the Crossroad," The Financial Times, March 6, 2006
- Noam, Eli. "Good News for News," Financial Times, June 22, 2006
- Noam, Eli. "A Third Way for Net Neutrality," Financial Times, August 29, 2006
- Noam, Eli. "TV Regulation Will Become Telecom Regulation," Financial Times, October 24, 2006
- Noam, Eli. "Telecom Leadership Changes Guard," Financial Times, December 29, 2006
- Noam, Eli. “New Platforms and Content Delivery Opportunities,” OECD Summit on Creation and Access to Content and the Role of New Commercial Agreements,” January 2006.
- Noam, Eli. “The Impact of Increased Knowledge on the Business Firm,” 150 pp., in Agcom, The Economics of Knowledge, 2006. Published in Italian. "L’Impatto Economico Della Conoscenza Sull’Impresa."
- Noam, Eli. “How Telecom is Becoming a Cyclical Industry, and What To Do About It,” Information Economics and Policy, Volume 18, Issue 3, September 2006, pp. 272-284.
- Noam, Eli. "Access of Content to Mobile Wireless: Opening the "Walled Airwave." In Mobile Media: Content and Services for Wireless Communications. Jo Groebel, Eli Noam and Valerie Feldman, eds. Erlbaum, 2006
- Noam, Eli. "Economics 2.0? A Business Primer on Virtual Worlds," Financial Times, October 2, 2007
- Noam, Eli. "Free the Edge," Financial Times, July 30, 2007
- Noam, Eli. "A Paradoxical Free Trade Agreement," Financial Times, June 14, 2007
- Noam, Eli. "Public Telecoms 2.0: The Return of the State," Financial Times, April 25, 2007
- Noam, Eli. "Private Equity is a Problem for Private Media," Financial Times, February 19, 2007
- Noam, Eli. "A Grand Communication Bargain," Financial Times Online, November 12, 2008
- Noam, Eli. "Ultrabroadband Networks: an Introduction to Research", Communications & Strategies, November 2008, pg 9 – 17
- Noam, Eli. "Is McCain a High Tech Leader?" Financial Times Online, September 16, 2008
- Noam, Eli. "High Speed Politics," Financial Times Online, July 8, 2008
- Noam, Eli. "TV, or not TV?" Financial Times, May 13, 2008
- Noam, Eli. "TV or Not TV: Where Video is Going?" In Television Goes Digital. Darcy Gerbarg ed. Springer, 2008
- Noam, Eli. "Did AT&T die in Vain? An Empirical Comparison of AT&T and Bell Canada." Federal Communications Law Journal 61.1 (2008) : 119-132.
- Noam, Eli. "The Economics of User Generated Content and Peer-to-Peer: The Commons as the Enabler of Commerce." In Peer-to-Peer Video: The Economics, Policy, and Culture of Today’s New Mass Medium. Eli Noam and Lorenzo Maria Pupillo eds. Springer, 2008
- Noam, Eli. "Electronics and the Future of Law Schools." The Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues Vol. 17 (2008) : 51-63.
- Noam, Eli. "If Fiber is the Medium, What is the Message? Next Generation Content for Next-Generation Networks" Communication and Strategies, (2008): 19-34.
- Noam, Eli. "TV or not TV: Three Screens, One Regulation?" Report to the Canadian Radio – Television and Telecommunications Commission, 2008, 102 pages.
- Noam, Eli. "The Other Transition: Analog Switch-off." The Financial Times Online, January 16, 2009.
- Noam, Eli. "TV or Not TV: Where Video is Going." Television Goes Digital. Darcy Gerbarg, ed. New York: Springer, 2009.
- Noam, Eli. "Why Broadband Internet Should Not Be the Priority for Developing Countries." Internet Policy and Economics: Challenges and Perspectives. Ed. William H. Lehr and Lorenzo Maria Pupillo. New York: Springer, 2009. 73-78.
- Noam, Eli. "Regulation 3.0 for Telecom 3.0." Telecommunications Policy Vol. 34 (2010): 4-10.
- Noam, Eli. “Beyond Net Neutrality: End-User Sovereignty,” Communications and Strategies, No.84, 2011, p. 153-173.
- Noam, Eli. "The Economists's Contribution to Radio Spectrum Access: Past, Present, and Future," IEEE Journal, Vol. 100 (2012): 1692-1697.
- Noam, Eli. "Media Concentration Trends: How Do European Media Compare?" Open Society Institute.
- Noam, Eli. Cloud TV - A National and Global Initiative. TWC Research Program on Digital Communications.
- Noam, Eli. “Towards the Federated Internet,” InterMEDIA. Autumn 2013 Vol 41, Issue 4.
- Noam, Eli. "Research Demands on Demand Research," Telecommunications Demand and Investments: the Road Ahead. Springer.
- Noam, Eli. "PhD Heal Thyself: In Search of Evidence-based Research for Evidence-based Policy." In Beyond Broadband Access: Developing Data-Based Information Policy Strategies. Taylor, Richard D. and Amit M. Schejter, eds. Fordham University Press, 2013
- Noam, Eli. “L’avenir de la télévision– La quatrième génération : «cloud-TV», le nuage des nuages.” Chapter in Le futur est-il e-media? By Patrick Badillo and Dominique Roux, eds., (2014).
- Noam, Eli. “Cloud TV: Toward the next generation of network policy debates.” Telecommunications Policy, September 2014.
- Noam, Eli. “Why MOOCs are Anti-Innovation.” Journal of Teaching in Academia, 2014.
- Noam, Eli. “Media Entertainment as Development Strategy.” In Broadband as a Video Platform. Judith O’Neill & Darcy Gerbarg, eds., Springer, 2014.
- Noam, Eli. “Next-Generation Content for Next-Generation Networks,” in William Dutton and Mark Graham, eds., Society and the Internet: How Information and Social Networks are Changing our Lives. Oxford University Press, 2014.
- Noam, Eli. “Does Media Management Exist?.” In Media Industry Dynamics – Management, Concentration, Policies, Convergence and Competition. Paulo Faustino, Eli Noam, Christian Scholz, John Lavine eds. MediaXXI, 2014.
- Noam, Eli. “An Introduction to Media Management,” in Herrero, M., & Wildman, S. S., eds., The Business of Media: Change and Challenges. Lisbon: Media XXI, 2015.
- Noam, Eli. “Why the Internet Economy Raises Inequality – Implications For Media Managers,” in Herrero, M., & Wildman, S. S., eds., The Business of Media: Change and Challenges. Lisbon: Media XXI, 2015.
- Noam, Eli. “From the Internet of Science to the Internet of Entertainment,” Handbook on the Economics of the Internet. Johannes Bauer and Michael Latzer, eds., 2016. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
- Noam, Eli. "Project Organization and Methodology." In Noam, Eli, ed. Who Owns the World's Media? Oxford University Press, 2016.
- Noam, Eli. "United States." In Noam, Eli, ed. Who Owns the World's Media? Oxford University Press, 2016.
- Noam, Eli. "National Media Concentrations Compared." In Noam, Eli, ed. Who Owns the World's Media? Oxford University Press, 2016.
- Noam, Eli. "Industry Analysis." In Noam, Eli, ed. Who Owns the World's Media? Oxford University Press, 2016.
- Noam, Eli. "Company Analysis." In Noam, Eli, ed. Who Owns the World's Media? Oxford University Press, 2016.
- Noam, Eli. "Ownership Analysis." In Noam, Eli, ed. Who Owns the World's Media? Oxford University Press, 2016.
- Noam, Eli. "Analysis of Media Concentration." In Noam, Eli, ed. Who Owns the World's Media? Oxford University Press, 2016.
- Noam, Eli. "Findings." In Noam, Eli, ed. Who Owns the World's Media? Oxford University Press, 2016.
- Noam, Eli. “Beyond the Mogul: From Media Conglomerates to Portfolio Media.” Journalism. (September 15, 2017): 1-25.
- Noam, Eli. “How the Internet Got Donald Trump Elected President.” InterMEDIA 44, no 4 (January 2017): 22-25.
- Noam, Eli. “Peer-to-Peer File Sharing and Cultural Trade Protectionism.” Information Economics and Policy 41 (December 2017): 15-27. With Andres Hervas-Drane.
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