Channel: Center on Japanese Economy and Business (CJEB)
Scholars and practitioners from around the world participated in a conference on financial policy in the United States and Japan on November 10. Panelists included Heizo Takenaka, director of the Global Security Research Institute at Keio University; Patrick Bolton, the Barbara and David Zalaznick Professor of Business at Columbia Business School; Takatoshi Ito, visiting professor of finance and economics at Columbia University and professor at the University of Tokyo; Merit E. Janow, professor of international economic law and international affairs at Columbia University; and David Weinstein, the Carl S. Shoup Professor of Japanese Economy at Columbia University and associate director for research at the Center on Japanese Economy and Business (CJEB) at Columbia Business School. The event was organized by the Center on Japanese Economics and Business (CJEB), Columbia Business School and the Program for Economic Research at Columbia University.