Meet with experienced entrepreneurial professionals to get feedback and advice on your startup.
Lang Coach Office Hours →
Receive access to company, industry and audience research, including CBInsights, Mintel, Forrester, eMarketer, Euromonitor, and more.
Entrepreneurship Research Resources →
Students working on their startup over the summer get access to advisory, workshops, peer support, and a $10k grant opportunity.
Summer Startup Track →
Columbia Technology Founder’s Track (CTech) is a cross-disciplinary program for technical MBAs and SEAS grad students.
CTech →
Students are matched to resources to help build their MVP (e.g., undergrad engineering, design, legal).
Columbia Build Lab →
On-campus accelerator helping second-year students prepare their businesses for investment.
Greenhouse Master Class →
Offers graduating students and alumni the opportunity to pitch for startup funding
Lang Fund →
Obtain a summer internship with a startup (under $25MM in annual revenue) and receive an income supplement.
Summer Fellowship Program: Startups →
Stage-agnostic incubator program designed to foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship for MBAxMS students who are dedicated to advancing their ventures over the summer.
The Summer Entrepreneurship Immersive (SEI)→