Events and Speakers
Event and programs offered by your club can take a range of forms, however, events should be thoughtful opportunities for your local alumni to engage with one another and the School. We recommend that events include professional development or education; networking or mentoring; and social interaction and entertainment.
In addition to using this event planning checklist, below are some things you should know if you are thinking about hosting an event in your area. Contact [email protected] should you have any questions about getting started or best practices.
Alumni Calendar
Alumni club events will be featured on the alumni events calendar at a club’s request. Please email this event submission form to [email protected] to request that your club event be added to our calendar.
Post-Event Recap
Alumni club leaders should use this form to update the Alumni Clubs Team of your club's recent events and programming. All photos and attendee lists should be shared with [email protected].
Faculty Speakers
Your Alumni Relations liaison will also reach out to you if Columbia Business School is aware of any faculty travel in your region. Based on the faculty’s availability while traveling, the Alumni Clubs team can work with you and the faculty member to coordinate an event such as a research presentation and reception, small group dinner, or faculty discussion.
If you are interested in hosting a faculty presentation in your region and have not been contact by the Alumni Relations team, we are happy to work with you to develop a list of faculty to invite. A full list of Columbia Business School faculty can be found here. Limited funding is available to support faculty travel.
Alumni Speakers
If you are interested in hosting an alumni speaker event we are happy to help you obtain the appropriate contact information and develop an outreach plan. In many cases, Columbia Business School may have a prior relationship with your desired alumni speaker; the Clubs team will identify the best individual from the School or from your alumni club to advance an invitation. The Alumni Relations team is always happy to provide a speaker gift for alumni speakers.
Non-Affiliate Speakers
Alumni clubs sometimes host non-affiliate speakers at regional club events. You can always reach out to the Alumni Clubs team with the potential speaker’s name to confirm that the speaker has no affiliation to Columbia Business School or Columbia University. If the speaker has a connection to the larger Columbia community, your liaison may be able to provide you relevant information, including contact information or an understanding of established relations at the University.