"Branding in India" Symposium
On May 21st, 2007 the Center on Global Brand Leadership and AIGA, with support from a grant by the Center for International Business Education and Research, presented a special symposium, ?Branding in India,? as part of World Trade Week 2007. Leading thinkers from industry, advertising, academia, and design discussed the current state of branding in India; the opportunities and challenges for global and local brands; and the future of India branding, at home, and in the global market.
The event was hosted by David Rogers (Director, Center on Global Brand Leadership) and moderated by Christopher Liechty (President, AIGA Center for Cross Cultural Design). Presenters at the symposium included Arvind Sharma (Chairman & CEO of Leo Burnett, India), Harjiv Singh (Co-founder & CEO, Gutenberg Communications), Hitendra Wadhwa (Associate Professor of Professional Practice, Columbia Business School), and Debera Johnson (Professor of Industrial Design, Pratt Institute).