Sabrina Habib '16SIPA and Afzal Habib
Early childhood education
Venture Type:
What is the social or environmental issue being addressed?
For the 2.5 million children living in infrastructure-poor slums in East Africa that face extreme poverty, neglect & poor health, access to Early Childhood Care & Education services is even more challenging. Working mothers face a difficult decision every day about where to leave their young children (0-5 years) during the working day. Many of these mothers resort to leaving young children home alone or with an older sibling (usually an adolescent girl) who is pulled from school. In the best-case scenario, children are placed in an unlicensed, congested, and unhygienic home-based 'babycare' center with untrained caregivers.
Kidogo is a social enterprise that seeks to transform the trajectory of families living in poverty through high-quality, affordable Early Childhood Care and Education. We provide daycare and preschool services to working mothers in East Africa's urban slums for less than $1/day through a "hub & spoke" model. First, we build & operate best-practice early childhood "hub" centers that provide young children safe & child friendly spaces, trained teachers, a locally-relevant, play-based curriculum, and a health & nutrition program for 12 hours per day during the working week. In addition, we partner with local women ("mamapreneurs") to start or grow their own childcare "spokes" providing them with specialized training, customized support, age-appropriate learning materials, and ongoing mentorship & quality assurance.
Read More:
- True ‘Innovation’ Generates Ideas, Not Wealth
The Conversation
October 14, 2018 - Support Proves Key for Teachers and Children alike in Kenya’s Largest Slum
The Guardian
June 22, 2018 - Social Entrepreneurs: Reimagining Learning
November 1, 2017 - Tackling Childcare: The Business Case for Employer-Supported Childcare
International Finance Corporation (IFC)
September 1, 2017 - Boosting the Health of Toddlers' Bodies and Brains Brings Multiple Benefits. But too Often the Wrong Methods are Used
The Economist
October 29, 2016 - IFC Forms Innovative Partnership with Key Global Companies to Promote Better Childcare Plans
International Finance Corporation World Bank Group
September 26, 2016 - An Accelerator that Believes Businesses and Girls are the Keys to Africa's Future
Vanity Fair
November 10, 2015 - 'Life Saving' Bindis and Iron Fish: Original Health Ideas for Poorer Countries
The Guardian
July 3, 2015 - Innovator Interview: Kidogo Early Years
Center for Education Innovations
February 18, 2015