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Papers featuring social enterprise topics and faculty
What Does It Mean to Have a Meaningful Job?Recent scholarship from Professor Stephan Meier suggests that it’s not just the mission of workplace that matters, but factors such as autonomy, competence, and “relatedness,” or feeling connected to an organization, that defines a meaningful job. |
Planetary EconomicsProfessor Geoffrey Heal argues global economic growth and sustainability can — and should — go hand in hand. |
No News is Good NewsWhen it comes to social responsibility, writes Professor Stephan Meier, being too bad or too good can bring harmful headlines. |
Teaching Beyond the TestProfessor Jonah Rockoff discusses how a good teacher's influence can affect student test scores and long-term success in life. |
Undersavers AnonymousProfessor Stephan Meier investigates how a simple text message can prompt the poor to double their savings. |
Taking Attendance with TeachersProfessor Jonah Rockoff discusses how much teacher absences hurt student achievement. |
Are Macro Changes in Store for MicrolendingProfessor Suresh Sundaresan explores how new financial tools and technologies are poised to change the way microfinance is practiced. |
The Nonprofit MBAThe nonprofit sector is always hit particularly hard during recessions. That, Professor Ray Horton says, gives MBAs and today's nonprofits more to offer each other than ever. |
Making the Grade with MentoringProfessor Jonah Rockoff examines data from New York City's public schools to assess whether mentor programs — increasingly used in the private as well as the public sector — reduce employee turnover and improve productivity. |
The ROI of CSRProfessor Geoffrey Heal discusses his book When Principles Pay, in which he considers how a firm's environmental and social performance affect its competitiveness and financial performance. |
Insuring against Global WarmingProfessor Geoffrey Heal explores how much countries should spend to avoid the uncertain risk of climate change, and how this uncertainty should factor into government decisions on prevention measures. |
Making Globalization FairIn discussing the politics of globalization, Professor Joseph Stiglitz, a prominent critic of globalization's shortcomings and author of Making Globalization Work, offers practical ideas for extending its benefits. |
Small Loans on a Large ScaleIs microfinance the key to ending poverty in the developing world? Professor Suresh Sundaresan and PhD student Sam Cheung examine the issues facing both lenders and borrowers in the microfinance market. |
Credit Markets for the PoorHow can credit markets in developed countries help low-income families break the cycle of poverty? Professor Patrick Bolton discusses a book edited with Howard Rosenthal that came out of a conference on credit markets for the poor in developed countries. |
Fixing Public SchoolsDoes teacher certification affect student performance? Professor Jonah Rockoff looks at the performance of public school teachers in New York City. |
Reassessing Robert Moses and His Vision for New YorkProfessor Ray Horton, who was for 15 years president of the Citizens Budget Commission, a nonprofit organization that promotes good government in New York City and New York State, discusses the recent nostalgia for the master builder. |
Ownership Versus Environment: Why Are Public Sector Firms Inefficient?Privatization is not the only way to improve the performance of public-sector enterprises. A study of Indonesian firms, by Professors Ann Bartel of Columbia and Ann Harrison of UC Berkeley, shows that less drastic changes can lead to similar gains in productivity. |
A Combinational Auction Improves School Meals in ChileProfessor Gabriel Weintraub et al. look at the auction models used to assign catering contracts for school lunches in Chile. |