America’s Housing Crisis: Private-Sector Responses and Public Policy Innovation
April 4-5, 2012
The Richard Paul Richman Center, The Jerome A. Chazen Institute and The Paul Milstein Center along with Zillow and Progressive Policy Institute will host a housing forum aimed at exploring the ways in which the public and private sectors have responded to the unprecedented national housing crisis.
Nearly five years into its worst slump in decades, America's housing market is finally showing sparks of life. At the leading edge of this nascent rebound are a variety of public and private-sector innovations- creative ways for stoking demand, shrinking the debt overhang and revitalizing communities once laid waste by foreclosures. Join some of America's top housing experts and CEOs as they discuss and debate cutting-edge ideas for revitalizing the nation's housing market and its communities.
Housing in A Global Context
April 4
6 p.m. Columbia Club, 15 West 43rd St.
- Special Presentations by Nobel-Winning Economist Joseph E. Stiglitz and Chairman of Hang Lung Properties, Ltd., Ronnie Chan
Forum on America's Housing Crisis: Private-Sector Responses and Public Policy Innovation
April 5
8 a.m.-12 p.m., Grand Hyatt New York, 109 East 42nd St.
The Nation's Top Housing Experts Debate and Discuss Public and Private Responses to the Housing Crisis in Two Panels
Panel I
Private-Sector Responses to the Crisis: What's Working and What's Not
- Moderated by S. Mitra Kalita, Writer, The Wall Street Journal
Panel II
Policy Innovation in the Housing Sector: What Could Make Things Better?
- Moderated by Jason Gold, Senior Fellow, PPI