- December 19, 2011: Ronald O. Perelman Senior Fellow Andy Stern discusses the German example of strong leadership (Business Insider)
- December 6, 2011: Law School Professor Alex Raskolnikov Testifies at Joint Hearing on Reform of Derivatives Tax (Bloomberg)
- December 1, 2011: Richman Center Senior Fellow Andy Stern discusses "China's Superior Economic Model" (Wall Street Journal)
- November 29, 2011: Richman Center Co-Director and Professor Chris Mayer on "A New Shot at Mortgage Relief" (New York Times)
- November 27, 2011: Richman Co-Director and Dean of Columbia Business School Glenn Hubbard on "The Politics of Economics in the Age of Shouting"(New York Times)
- November 23, 2011: Richman Center Co-Director and Dean of Columbia Business School Glenn Hubbard on "It's Still Possible to Cut Spending: Here's How" (Wall Street Journal)
- November 21, 2011: A Start in Europe. But Just a Start (Wall Street Journal)
- November 10, 2011: Housing Recovery Tied to Jobs? (CNBC)
- November 09, 2011: If even we can agree on big budget plan, so can Congress (CNN)
- October 25, 2011: Obama Administration Expands Mortgage Assistance Program (The Take Away)
- October 24, 2011: Financing Revamp Planned (Smart Money)
- October 20, 2011: How much would mass refinancing do for the economy? (The Washington Post)
- August 25, 2011: Richman Center Co-Directors Glenn Hubbard and Chris Mayer's new proposal for stimulating the housing market and economy
- May 20, 2011: Event Celebrates Launch of Joint Academic Center
- January 26, 2011: Richman Gives $10 Million to Establish Interdisciplinary Academic Center