In November 2015, the Richard Paul Richman Center for Business, Law, and Public Policy and the Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) jointly hosted a two-day symposium at Columbia to explore new ways to bolster U.S. economic growth. During the seminar, various legislative and executive branch staff met with a distinguished roster of Columbia economists and scholars, as well as PPI analysts and special guests. Attendees met to discuss recent U.S. performance, brainstorm ideas for encouraging digital innovation, and target new methods to modernize infrastructure, reform taxes, improve regulation, and expand trade opportunities.
Speaker Presentations
- "Key Elements of a High-Growth Strategy," Michael Mandel, Andrew Stern, and Philip K. Howard
- "Growth in the United States: A Macro and Global Perspective," Pierre Yared
- "Energy: A Realistic Path to Clean Growth," Jason Bordoff
- "How Bottom Up Innovation Creates Mass Prosperity," Will Marshall, Chris Mayer, Edmund Phelps, and Michael Mandel
- "Roundtable on Business Taxation and Growth," Michael Graetz, Michael Mandel, and David Schizer
- "Trade and Productivity," Ed Gerwin and Michael Mandel
- "Financial Institutions and Regulations After the Crisis," Jeffrey Gordon
- Reinventing Public Education, Jonah Rockoff and David Osborne