Israel, the US, & the Shifting Energy Landscape
December 18, 2014
Tel Aviv, Israel
This conference was hosted by the Institute for International Studies, and three Centers at Columbia University: the Center for Israeli Legal Studies, the Richard Paul Richman Center for Business, Law, and Public Policy, and Columbia Global Energy Policy.
The conference focused on natural gas in Israel and the US and current changes occurring in world energy markets. The conference featured speakers from the INSS, Columbia, Harvard, IDC Herzliya, the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, Delek Drilling and Avner Oil Exploration, Israel Energy Initiatives, the US State Department, IHS, BG Group, the University of Nicosia, and Tel Aviv University. Shaul Zemach, the former Director General of the Energy and Water Ministry and minister of the Economy Naftali Bennett also spoke. Topics of the four panels were the US shale boom, the potential of Israel’s energy resources, strategies for exporting Israel’s natural gas, and the impact of the recent oil price decline, respectively.