Human or Robot? Consumer Responses to Radical Cognitive Enhancement Products
Human enhancement products allow consumers to radically enhance their mental abilities. Focusing on cognitive enhancements, we introduce and study a novel factor dehumanization (i.e., denying a person emotional ability and likening them to a robot) which plays a key role in consumers' reluctance to use enhancement products. In study 1, consumers who enhance their mental abilities beyond normal levels were dehumanized, whereas consumers who use the same products to restore lost abilities were not.
Reflections on enclothed cognition: Commentary on Burns et al.
The main objectives of this commentary are to discuss the replication study of Adam and Galinsky (2012, Experiment 1) by Burns, Fox, Greenstein, Olbright, and Montgomery, clarify the main idea behind enclothed cognition, supplement the literature review presented by Burns et al., discuss why our original study failed to replicate, and offer potential avenues for future research. Overall, we believe the replication study was conducted competently, and thus the results cast doubt on our finding that wearing a lab coat decreases errors on the Stroop test. At the same time, Burns et al.
The gravitational pull of expressing passion: When and how expressing passion elicits status conferral and support from others
Prior research attributes the positive effects of passion on professional success to intrapersonal characteristics. We propose that interpersonal processes are also critical because observers confer status on and support those who express passion. These interpersonal benefits of expressing passion are, however, contingent on several factors related to the expresser, perceiver, and context. Six studies, including entrepreneurial pitches from Dragons' Den and two pre-registered experiments, establish three key findings.
The impact of access to prescription drugs on disability in eleven European countries
Clinical studies have shown that the use of certain drugs can reduce disability. Access to prescription drugs varies across countries. Even when the total number of drugs launched in two countries is similar, the specific drugs that were launched, and the diseases those drugs are used to treat, may differ.
Connecting Book Rate of Return to Risk and Return: The Information Conveyed by Conservative Accounting
This paper investigates how book rate of return under GAAP relates to risk and the required return for investing. A standard view sees the book rate of return as a measure of profitability to be compared to the required return to evaluate the success of an investment. A contrasting view sees the book rate of return as indicative of the required return, consistent with the standard risk-return tradeoff. There clearly is some sorting out to do.
Household Debt Overhang and Unemployment
We use a labor-search model to explain why the worst employment slumps often follow expansions of household debt. We find that households protected by limited liability suffer from a household-debt-overhang problem that leads them to require high wages to work. Firms respond by posting high wages but few vacancies. This vacancy-posting effect implies that high household debt leads to high unemployment.
Interlinked Firms and the Consequences of Piecemeal Regulation
Investment Dynamics and Earnings-Return Properties: A Structural Approach
We propose the standard neoclassical model of investment under uncertainty with short-run adjustment frictions as a benchmark for earnings-return patterns absent accounting influences. We show that our proposed benchmark generates a wide range of earnings-return patterns documented in prior accounting research. Notably, our model generates a concave earnings-return relation, similar to that of Basu [1997], and predicts that the earnings-return concavity increases in the volatility of firms' underlying shock processes and decreases in investment levels.
On the Global Financial Market Integration 'Swoosh' and the Trilemma
We propose a simple measure of de facto financial market integration based on a factor model of monthly equity returns, which can be computed back to the first era of financial globalization for 17 countries. Global financial market integration follows a "swoosh" shape — i.e. high pre-1913, still higher post-1990, low in the interwar period — rather than the other shapes hypothesized in earlier literature. We find no evidence of financial globalization reversing since the Great Recession as claimed in other recent studies.
State Taxation and the Reallocation of Business Activity: Evidence from Establishment-Level Data
Using Census microdata on multi-state firms and their organizational forms, we estimate the impact of state taxes on business activity. For C corporations, employment and the number of establishments have short-run corporate tax elasticities of -0.4 to -0.5, and do not vary with changes in personal tax rates. Pass-through entity activities show tax elasticities of -0.2 to -0.4 with respect to personal tax rates, and are invariant with respect to corporate tax rates. Capital shows similar patterns. Reallocation of productive resources to other states drives around half the effect.
Venture Capital and Capital Allocation
I show that venture capitalists' motivation to build reputation can have beneficial effects in the primary market, mitigating information frictions and helping firms go public. Because uninformed reputation-motivated venture capitalists want to appear informed, they are biased against backing firms — by not backing firms, they avoid taking low-value firms to market, which would ultimately reveal their lack of information. In equilibrium, reputation-motivated venture capitalists back relatively few bad firms, creating a certification effect that mitigates information frictions.
Bringing Choice Architecture to Architecture and Engineering Decisions: How the Redesign of Rating Systems Can Improve Sustainability
An Economist’s Perspective on the Bitcoin Payment System
The paper's introduction offers a high-level review of Bitcoin's features, especially its governance by protocol. The paper proceeds to summarize Bitcoin's analysis as a payment system. It pays particular attention to a comparison between Bitcoin and a firm-run payment system.
Can Asset Allocation Limits Determine Portfolio Risk-Return Profiles in DC Pension Schemes?
The Impact of New Drug Launches on Hospitalization in 2015 for 67 Medical Conditions in 15 OECD Countries: A Two-Way Fixed-Effects Analysis
There are two types of prescription drug cost offsets. The first type of cost offset—from prescription drug use—is primarily about the effect of changes in drug quantity (e.g. due to changes in out-of-pocket drug costs) on other medical costs. The second type of cost offset—the cost offset from prescription drug innovation—is primarily about the effect of prescription drug quality on other medical costs.
An Explanation of Negative Swap Spreads: Demand for Duration from Underfunded Pension Plans
The 30-year U.S. swap spreads have been negative since September 2008. We offer a novel explanation for this persistent anomaly. Through an illustrative model, we show that underfunded pension plans optimally use swaps for duration hedging. Combined with dealer banks' balance sheet constraints, this demand can drive swap spreads to become negative. Empirically, we construct a measure of the aggregate funding status of Defined Benefit pension plans and show that this measure is a significant explanatory variable of 30-year swap spreads.
Selectively Emotional: How Smartphone Use Changes User-Generated Content
User-generated content has become ubiquitous and very influential in the marketplace. Increasingly, this content is generated on smartphones rather than personal computers (PCs). This article argues that because of its physically constrained nature, smartphone (vs. PC) use leads consumers to generate briefer content, which encourages them to focus on the overall gist of their experiences. This focus on gist, in turn, tends to manifest as reviews that emphasize the emotional aspects of an experience in lieu of more specific details.
The Optimal Public and Private Provision of Safe Assets
We develop a theory of optimal government debt in which publicly-issued and privately-issued safe assets are substitutes. While government bonds are backed by future tax revenues, privately-issued safe assets are backed by the future repayment of pools of defaultable private loans. We find that a higher supply of public debt crowds out privately-issued safe assets less than one for one and reduces the interest spread between borrowing and deposit rates.
The Physician-Patient Relationship in the Age of Precision Medicine
The completion of the Human Genome Project was heralded as a step towards “personalized medicine,” offering patients individualized treatments based on genomic profiling. More recently, this vision has been eclipsed by the promise of “precision medicine” (PM), emphasizing benefits to patients from more precise diagnosis and treatment based on a range of biomarkers, along with data about patients’ environment, lifestyle, and behaviors.
The Symbolic Value of Time
Research on symbolic consumption and status signaling has primarily examined how consumers spend money on possessions that display their identity and status. We review research suggesting that the way in which consumers spend their time can also serve as a form of conspicuous consumption. In particular, we examine status inferences based on how consumers allocate time between work and leisure, and how consumers choose to spend their discretionary leisure time.
Too Good to Hire? Capability and Inferences about Commitment in Labor Markets
We examine how signals of a candidate’s capability affect perceptions of that person’s commitment to an employer. In four experimental studies that use hiring managers as subjects, we test and show that managers perceive highly capable candidates to have lower commitment to the organization than less capable but adequate candidates and, as a result, penalize high-capability candidates in the hiring process.
Be Careful What You Wish For: Unintended Consequences of Increasing Reliance on Technology
Eliza in the Uncanny Valley: Anthropomorphizing Consumer Robots Increases Their Perceived Warmth but Decreases Liking
Consumer robots are predicted to be employed in a variety of customer-facing situations. As these robots are designed to look and behave like humans, consumers attribute human traits to them—a phenomenon known as the “Eliza Effect.” In four experiments, we show that the anthropomorphism of a consumer robot increases psychological warmth but decreases attitudes, due to uncanniness. Competence judgments are much less affected and not subject to a decrease in attitudes.
The Arrival of Fast Internet and Employment in Africa
Gender Role Incongruity and Audience-based Gender Bias: The Case of Resource Exchange among Entrepreneurs
Do men and women generate the same benefits from using their social ties? This study addresses this question by examining how resources are allocated within social networks. Prior research has commonly attributed observed gender differences in network benefits to the tendency for women to be embedded in networks that are poorer in social and economic resources. Implicit in this explanation is that if women had access to more valuable networks they would receive similar benefits as do men.
Gender-role Incongruity and Audience-based Gender Bias: An Examination of Networking among Entrepreneurs
While most research explaining the persistence of gender inequality has focused on how decision makers’ own biases perpetuate inequities, a growing body of work points to mechanisms of bias that may arise when a decision maker is concerned with satisfying a third party or audience. Using data from 2007 to 2013 on 2,310 members of a popular networking organization for entrepreneurs, I examine the extent to which the presence of third parties leads to gender inequality in resource exchange, or connections to potential clients.
Balancing admission control, speedup, and waiting in service systems
Admission control and service rate speedup may be used during periods of congestion to minimize customer waiting in different service settings. In a healthcare setting, this can mean sending patients to alternative care facilities that may take more time and/or provide less ideal treatment. While waiting can be detrimental to patient outcomes, strategies used to control congestion can also be costly. In this work, we examine a multi-server queueing system that considers both admission control and speedup.
Why Are REITS Currently So Expensive?
Diversity thresholds: How social norms, visibility, and scrutiny relate to group composition
Across a field study and four experiments, we examine how social norms and scrutiny affect decisions about adding members of underrepresented populations (e.g., women, racial minorities) to groups. When groups are scrutinized, we theorize that decision makers strive to match the diversity observed in peer groups due to impression management concerns, thereby conforming to the descriptive social norm. We examine this first in the context of U.S. corporate boards, where firms face pressure to increase gender diversity.
Pathways to intercultural accuracy: Social projection processes and core cultural values
The present research examines intercultural accuracy—people's ability to make accurate judgments about outgroup values—and the role of social projection processes. Across four studies, U.S. and British participants showed low overall levels of intercultural accuracy for Chinese students’ individualistic and collectivistic values. In line with recent changes toward individualism in China, we observed different levels of intercultural accuracy, hinging on whether the criterion values of Chinese were assessed before (2001) or after (2015) this shift.
The Impact of Imitation Strategy and R&D Resources on Incremental and Radical Innovation: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms
This study proposes and tests a theoretical framework that relates a firm’s imitation strategy and its interaction with R&D resources to incremental and radical innovation. The analysis of a panel dataset of 1381 Chinese manufacturing firms in the period 2008–2014 shows that imitation strategy is positively related to incremental innovation but has an inverted U-shaped relationship with radical innovation.
A Matter of Principle: Accounting Reports Convey Both Cash-Flow News and Discount-Rate News
This appendix provides a contrast to the variance decomposition approach for identifying the two types of news in accounting data. This approach, explained in Callen (2009), assumes the Vuolteenaho (2002) model, implemented in a vector autoregressive (VAR) scheme to capture the linear dependencies among multiple time series of indicator variables.
A Matter of Principle: Accounting Reports Convey both Cash-flow News and Discount-rate News
This paper modifies the standard returns-earnings regression in accounting research to show that financial reports convey both cash-flow news and discount-rate (expected-return) news. The paper points to the realization principle, associated as it is with the resolution of risk, as the accounting feature that conveys expected-return news. The modified returns-earnings regressions indicate that the information so conveyed pertains to priced risk.
Affect Regulation and Consumer Behavior
This article provides a critical review of what is known about affect regulation in relation to consumption behavior. Based on numerous findings from psychology, communication research, and consumer research, we identify a core set of general principles of affect regulation in consumer behavior. First, we define affect regulation, clarify its relations to the concepts of coping and compensatory consumption, and refine the emerging concept of “displaced coping.” We then review the generic strategies used in the regulation of general negative affective states.
Bank lending standards and borrower accounting conservatism
Changing Tires on a Moving Car: The Role of Timing in Hospitality and Service Turnaround Processes
Climb or Jump: Status-Based Seeding in User-Generated Content Networks
Contesting Commercialization: Political Influence, Responsive Authoritarianism, and Cultural Resistance
We develop theory on how a contentious moral market can develop, and we test it with data from a study of the commercialization of Buddhist temples in China from 2006 to 2016, as local government officials try to boost the local economy by transforming temples into tourist enterprises that charge admission fees. The practice is resisted by monks and the public such that the central government, which values public appearances of social justice, is pressured to support their resistance to local officials’ economic demands.
Contracting in Medical Equipment Maintenance Services: An Empirical Investigation
Maintenance service plans (MSPs) are contracts for the provision of maintenance by a service provider to an equipment operator. These plans can have different payment structures and risk allocations, which induce various types of incentives for agents in the service chain. How do such structures affect service performance and service chain value? We provide an empirical answer to this question by using a unique panel data covering the sales and service records of more than 700 diagnostic body scanners.
Culture of Trust and Division of Labor in Non-Hierarchical Teams
Firms exhibit heterogeneity in size, productivity, and internal structure, and this is true even within the same industry. It has been thought since the time of Adam Smith that a firm's internal structure affects its productivity through the channel of gains from specialization. Our paper provides evidence of a link between an organization's culture — specifically the trust environment — and its internal structure. We show experimentally that exogenously imposed culture endogenously leads to variation in organizational form.
Does Adding Inventory Increase Sales? Evidence of a Scarcity Effect in U.S. Automobile Dealerships
Does fair value accounting contribute to systemic risk in the banking industry?
Dynamic Mechanism Design with Budget Constrained Buyers Under Limited Commitment
We study the dynamic mechanism design problem of a seller that repeatedly auctions independent items over a discrete time horizon to buyers that face a cumulative budget constraint. A driving motivation behind our model is the emergence of real-time bidding markets for online display advertising in which such budgets are prevalent. We assume the seller has a strong form of limited commitment: she commits to the rules of the current auction but cannot commit to those of future auctions.
Extracting Features of Entertainment Products: A Guided Latent Dirichlet Allocation Approach Informed by the Psychology of Media Consumption
The authors propose a quantitative approach for describing entertainment products, in a way that allows for improving the predictive performance of consumer choice models for these products. Their approach is based on the media psychology literature, which suggests that people’s consumption of entertainment products is influenced by the psychological themes featured in these products. They classify psychological themes on the basis of the “character strengths” taxonomy from the positive psychology literature (Peterson and Seligman 2004).
Fair value versus amortized cost measurement and the timeliness of other-than-temporary impairments: Evidence from the insurance industry
Financial Implications of Technology-Class Code Popularity and Usage among Industry Competitors
Novel measures of technology popularity and usage were constructed and tested to assess the returns available from patenting within mainstream versus more-exotic technology-classification codes (or pairs of codes). <em>Popularity</em> suggested the frequency density with which technological codes (pairs) were most frequently found among competitors' patents. <em>Usage</em> measured whether firms dominated particular technology codes (or pairs of codes) relative to competitors.
Firms' Reactions to Public Information on Business Practices: The Case of Search Advertising
We use five years of bidding data to examine the reaction of advertisers to widely disseminated press on the lack of effectiveness of brand search advertising (queries that contain the firm's name) found in a large experiment run by eBay (Blake, Nosko and Tadelis, 2015). We estimate that 11% of firms that did not face competing ads on their brand keywords, matching the case of eBay, discontinued the practice of brand search advertising.
From Atoms to Bits and Back: A Research Curation on Digital Technology and Agenda for Future Research
As a result of the digital revolution, new topics and themes have entered consumer research, and, as the digital revolution enters a new phase, additional new concepts and research questions will emerge. To illustrate the variety of themes on digital technology that consumer researchers have studied, I am presenting a collection of five articles that represent this active new research area. Moreover, I will look into the future and propose a research agenda to address key consumer behavior issues occurring during the next phase of the digital transformation.
Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship
Using data on the entire population of businesses registered in the states of California and Massachusetts between 1995 and 2011, we decompose the well-established gender gap in entrepreneurship. We show that female-led ventures are 63 percentage points less likely than male-led ventures to obtain external funding (i.e., venture capital). However, investors' gendered preferences can, at most, explain about 35 percent of this differential (or 22 percentage points).
Generational Differences in Managing Personal Finances
In this article, we provide a descriptive account of how people from different generations vary in their use of financial management technology, their access credit markets, and how they finance consumption and incur financial costs and penalties. We use a detailed panel of transaction-level data from Iceland on individual spending, incomes, balances, and credit limits from a personal financial management software. We find that technology adoption is faster for millennials, but use of consumer credit and financial penalties are higher for older generations.
The Latest Research
Breaking the Cycle: How the News and Markets Created a Negative Feedback Loop in COVID-19
New research from CBS Professor Harry Mamaysky reveals how negativity in the news and markets can escalate a financial crisis.
Mind the Trade Gap: How a Relational Perspective Can Enhance Understanding
Adapted from “Global Value Chains in Developing Countries: A Relational Perspective from Coffee and Garments,” by Laura Boudreau of Columbia Business School, Julia Cajal Grossi of the Geneva Graduate Institute, and Rocco Macchiavello of the London School of Economics.
Online Shopping: What Companies Can Conclude Based on How Consumers Search
Adapted from “Online Advertising as Passive Search,” by Raluca M. Ursu of New York University Stern School of Business, Andrey Simonov of Columbia Business School, and Eunkyung An of New York University Stern School of Business.
Meaning in the Age of Autonomy: Marketing Autonomous Products to Consumers Who Value Manual Labor
This paper from Columbia Business School, “Meaning of Manual Labor Impedes Consumer Adoption of Autonomous Products,” explores marketing solutions to some consumers’ resistance towards autonomous products. The study was co-authored by Emanuel de Bellis of the University of St. Gallen, Gita Johar of Columbia Business School, and Nicola Poletti of Cada.
My Work Is My Bond? A Financial-Asset Approach to Wage Contracts Could Lessen Inequality
Co-authored by John B. Donaldson of Columbia Business School, “The Macroeconomics of Stakeholder Equilibria,” proposes a model for a purely private, mutually beneficial financial agreement between worker and firm that keeps decision-making in the hands of stockholders while improving the employment contract for employees.